Greetings from a new Cadet

Always good to have a dictionary around:

bass n. pl. bass or bass·es

1. A low-pitched sound or tone.

2. The tones in the lowest register of an instrument.

3. An instrument, especially a double bass, that produces tones in a low register

4. Any of several North American freshwater fishes of the family Centrarchidae, related to but larger than the sunfishes.
What in gods name did I do here, I just wanted to say hi and you guys go nuts on me! Well I guess theres no hiding it, no running away from the fact that i'm banana's and I smell like them to. By the way, when do we fry the fish?
When you're the lowest of the low, you're th ones that get picked upon :). Have you seen the ranks of everyone else out here? Already greybeards, they are, with dress uniforms loaded up with so many medals they almost can't put 'em on. (Or serve as very nice armor...).

Originally posted by Moonsilver
What in gods name did I do here, I just wanted to say hi and you guys go nuts on me! Well I guess theres no hiding it, no running away from the fact that i'm banana's and I smell like them to. By the way, when do we fry the fish?
Originally posted by Wedge009
What? No, ranks just mean we spend far too much time here. :)

no,no, no... you see wedge... thats only for people like you... that are generals... i mean people like me... like 1st lieutenants, captains, majors... that just comes with posting over a long period of time :D
Wedge, Maniac 2 is trying to be smart. Failed miserably, but's all he's rying to do.

Worf, everyone gets picked on in these forums. It's the law. And both Maniac and Wedge are right.