Gmax announcement/question


Gmax announcement/questionz...

Just picked up a special edition copy of "Maximum PC" magazine; it has a copy of Gmax (free version of 3DS Max) on the CD!...

Perhaps this would be a great tool to help you modeling types (and maybe even me) to come up with new WC models. Of course, it's freely DL'able from the website, too: Version on the CD is v1.1; laest version on the website is v1.2.

I played around with it just a wee bit last nite; it saves files in a "*.gmax" format. The question is, does anyone know if there's a tool freely available that would convert such models into 3DS Max format?...

The other question is, do any of you have any experience with this gem, and if so, how's it compare with other modeling app's you've used?...
gmax is a good idea... but it has huge problems... the biggest problem is that it can't save to anything but .gmax..... there may be a way around it however. if you load the tempest pack you can save your models as quake 3 models... from there you just throw them in a converter to get useable meshes. Quake 3 converters are quite easy to find. has a great one called deep exploration.
Originally posted by Tolwyn
There is a plugin for gmax, that allows you to export files in 3ds format
Now where do I get it? Their main site, or somewhere else?...
It should be somewhere on the gmax site. I downloaded it from there, but now I'm using 3DSM, so I can't give you more detailed information :(
Originally posted by Tolwyn
It should be somewhere on the gmax site. I downloaded it from there, but now I'm using 3DSM, so I can't give you more detailed information :(
Under Gmax support, I see a 3DS IMport app, but nothing that is a 3DS EXporter...:(
last i heard there was no official 3ds exporter for Gmax. it exports to game formats, but not to storage formats.

its really the difference between max and gmax.
one is marketed to mod makers
the other to professionals.

wouldnt do them any good if they allowed a mod tool (that basically is as feature full as the dev tool) to be used instead of their dev tool.
