Getting Murdered in Oxford

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I am just getting slaughtered in the 3rd mission in Oxford, I am having no luck at all protecting the drayman from the demons. They seem too nimble to destroy in time to save the drayman (this may be in part because I am using a keyboard for flight control at the moment.)

Anyone have any tips?
BTW this game has nurtured some very serious nostalgia. It plays just like I remember the original, great accomplishment,

fire rockets every time you get a lock, and the one you are trying to gun, curse him out repeatedly, C:4 <-- taunt em a few times with this explosive combo.

don't know if it will work, good luck.

-Ares (ill register someday)
Thanks for the replies, that all sounds like good advice. In particular the auto-tracking upgrade. I didn't consider that at all because it wasn't in the original Privateer. I noted that they existed in the remake then forgot about them I'm definately going to try that,


I would *HIGHLY* recommend the weapon auto-tracking!!!
Just tried it myself after reading this thread, had to defend a Draymon against about 10 Retros by myself (but hey, for $80k why not? ;>), the auto-tracking is quite expensive, but, I was able to wipe up the system with them in no time and they are one squirrly bunch!!

I was very suprised when the shots *arced* out to intercept the ships! I am using a Demon with 4 Tacyon cannons, a few hits and bye, bye (had a hell of a time trying to hit them before1

Have fun!

Hmmm, even with the autotracking (which helps) this mission still obliterates me. Has anyone beaten it? I'm using a Centurion with 4 ions and autotrackers for all of them. Thanks again,

I beat it in a Pre-release in a Demon with 4 Tachyons and 40 torpedoes, no autotracking.

It's tough, but it's doable. Use afterburner a lot, get in the enemies face. It is almost more important to distract him so that he breaks off his run than it is to attack him directly.

Switch targets a lot; if there are 3 Demons, 1 of them will always be shooting at the Drayman, and this is the one you should be shooting at. Stay close to the Drayman and don't let one Demon pull you away while the other two hit the Drayman.
Oxford 3

Heh, this mission is supposed to be hard. I remember in the original game when I was first playing through I made it to Oxford in the plot with the Tarsus. Then I got to mission three and could not kill the ships. So I spent a couple of weeks getting creds, outfitted a Centurion with 4 tachyons, and got myself a missle launcher with FF missles. Started the mission by emptying the missle launcher ... still failed. So I practiced being able to hit things with proton torps ... Learn them well and you will own any Cap ship in the game, much less puny fighters.
I remember this one from the original. There was this trick where if you didn't contact the merchant the retros wouldn't attack and the merchant would still fly tword Oxford. So you could just contact him when he reached the planet and watch him land while the Retros tried to get to your position as they still spawned in the original spots. Probably won't work here but oh well.

Greeting JKeefe,

Did I read you can put *40* torps on a Demon?

I have a Demon, but usually use missles, execpt I can't get more than six on it :<.
I didn't think you could load that many on any ship....just wanted to make sure before I spend the credits, but if this is true, I'm learning to use torps!!


Hmm, I may be misremembering; you can get 40 torps on a Centurion.

Maybe it was 20? You can load more torps than missiles, I know that. Regardless, I was out of torps at the end of the mission. :)
Demon carries 12 torps in 1Pre(something)

I'm still playing the Pre-release, but the Demon shouldn't be able to carry more than 12 torpedoes. With autotracking, burn-n-slide approaches, and point-blank torp shots, though, you should have no problem.

My question is, where are you getting 4 tachyons for the Demon? I though tachs were Heavy, and a big power drain to boot; with 4 meson blasters, my range beats out most Talons and I can slide and shoot for quite a while before the battery runs dry.

"I laughed, I cried, I fell down, it changed my life . . . it was good."
Could be a Pre vs. 1.0 question, but...

I *know* Tachyons are MilSpec; what I was wondering was, how did 4 Heavy Bolt MilSpec weapons fit on the Demon, which only (at least in the Pre version) supports 4 Light, or 2 Light and 2 Medium, weapons.

If it's something that can be done in 1.0 Final, that's one more reason to switch now. If it's a hack, or a special purchase later in the game, I can safely disregard.

Thanks, though, for the info.
I played in a Demon in Pre3. In that version I could mount Tachyons; I haven't bought a Demon since, and apparently the available mountings have changed. I guess that's just another thing that confirms the Demon is only a light fighter.
Currently in 1.0, Tacyons do a damage of 12MJ, drain 800 rrom your reactor, fire at .40/sec and are considered to be a Heavy Bolt.

Meson IIRC, do 14MJ damage, and draw 1300 from reactor and fire at something like .50/sec.

I know Tacs are $18k, don't remember what Mesons were.

I have 4 Tacs on a Demon currently with a lvl 3 reactor not much of a drain problem for me.

Hope this helps! ;>

I did it with a Cent with 2 Tachyons, 2 Plasma gun and autotracking on all 4. Didn't use any missles. A couple of bursts takes care of a Demon then go straight to the next closest one.

Oh, did you try setting the game to Easy mode? Just for this mission? ':-)

Finally got it. I saved up and bought a Demon and equipped it with tachyons and torps with autotrackers on everything. The Centurion was just too slow to keep up with the marauding demons. Using the demon made it much easier for me. Thanks for all the tips; useful stuff,
