Future Direction for the Standoff Team


Rear Admiral
I know this is some time off yet But I'm starting this thread to hear (read) what the Standoff Team will be working on once this project is finished.

If I had a personal preference I'd love to see a campaign set right at the end of the Kilrathi war when the remnents of the Confederation forward fleet attack the Freya + Hyperion systems and then charge the Kilrathi amada at Kilrah before being slaughted. But as we all know this massacre created a diversion which allowed Colonel Blair to drop the bomb which wasted Kilrah which took out the kilrathis amada with it. Admitablly it would be interesting to be a part of the confed strike fleet and charge about 20 Cat carriers with a few CVs and a dozen or so cruisers and be absolutely nailed by the cats. (only in simulation though - although I guess a similiar thing is gonna happen in Standoff Episode 5 anyway.

Right near the end of WC3 you do actually get a quick view of the fleet that is readying for the attack on the Kilrathi amada if I can remember correctly
Actually, I think they might start working on UE2 once Standoff is finished... But hey, maybe they also need to rest at times ;) . What they're doing is awesome, but time-consuming and (just guessing there) probably difficult as well.
Sharpshooter said:
But hey, maybe they also need to rest at times ;) . What they're doing is awesome, but time-consuming and (just guessing there) probably difficult as well.
What's nice with our work on UE and Standoff over the years is that with experience we found solutions for most of the "difficult" things; the real problem is, you guessed it, time.
I can't speak for the rest of the team, obviously, but Standoff is my first and last WC project.
Yeah, what Eder said (except for the bit about Standoff being my first WC project :p).

I myself have many, many ideas that I'd sorta like to pursue - UE2, Concordia's fight at Vespus, something involving Armada's fighters, a Priv-like mod, a WC1-era mod... and that's just to name the few that come to mind at this particular moment. However, in spite of this, I don't intend to pursue any further WC projects after Standoff. The main reason is that I'm quite simply exhausted - since May 2000, WC projects have continued to suck up most of my spare time. Even the "what's this life thing people keep telling me about" joke has long ago ceased to be funny, because it's far too painfully true. In short, I want to get my life and spare time back before I burn out completely.

(besides... for a while now, I've been working in games development, and it's really not a good thing when you come home from work to a hobby that seems exactly like the stuff you do at work...)
Cardinal said:
I'm confused; your sig indicates you worked on UE as well.

True, but that doesn't mean he was a project leader (or producer). Strictly speaking, he worked on UE, but I'm guessing he didn't *start* the project. Standoff is more 'his' project than Unknown Enemy was.
Yeah, I provided 3D models for UE and that was it... There was no creative work or decision-making involved at all.
Somehow, Quarto, you're lying. I can feel it in my bones. Yeah, you might take a year or two off to get you're life rolling again, but once you get into Wing Commander, you never get back out of it. ;)
Well, I'm certainly not saying I won't ever touch WC again (though that is quite possible)... I just have no plans to do so in the foreseeable future.

(besides, I don't need to make WC stuff to get my fix - there's more than enough official WC products to enjoy)
You'll be happy to know though that the engagement you're referring to, in the Hyperion System, is going to occur in WC Saga. At least that's the way I understand it.

You Standoff guys have done such a great job creating the Battle of Terra for the community though, your retirement will be well deserved :-).
Quarto said:
I myself have many, many ideas that I'd sorta like to pursue - UE2, Concordia's fight at Vespus, something involving Armada's fighters, a Priv-like mod, a WC1-era mod... and that's just to name the few that come to mind at this particular moment. However, in spite of this, I don't intend to pursue any further WC projects after Standoff. The main reason is that I'm quite simply exhausted - since May 2000, WC projects have continued to suck up most of my spare time. Even the "what's this life thing people keep telling me about" joke has long ago ceased to be funny, because it's far too painfully true. In short, I want to get my life and spare time back before I burn out completely.

Yeah I can understand what Quarto says. I guess you have to cap the projects somewhere while you still have your sanity :) I mean theres endless possibilities for WC projects. I sure as hell hope that the team has a holiday no later than after Chapter 4 comes out. They sure deserve it.

But what is this Hyperion engagement in WC Saga that Falcon988 is referring to. Is it another project in production???
Saga is another WC project that's been in development for a long time now. It uses the Freespace 2 engine. I'm surprised you haven't heard of it. Their storyline covers the WC3 era and to my knowledge details the specific battle you referred to in your initial post. Find them here http://www.3dactionplanet.com/hlp/hosted/wcsaga/. If you have any questions about it you can mosey on over to the CIC Saga forum.

To stay on topic, I wonder - just what are the prospects of a UE2? I've heard rumors about it but that's all they've been to my knowledge. Does anyone on the team have any serious plans to make it? Now that we're talking about it I'm tempted to go back and play UE1. You guys just rock when it comes to making these WC games. I understand the need for retirement all too well, but that will be a sad day for the community when you guys do :) .
Falcon988 said:
To stay on topic, I wonder - just what are the prospects of a UE2? I've heard rumors about it but that's all they've been to my knowledge. Does anyone on the team have any serious plans to make it? I understand the need for retirement all too well, but that will be a sad day for the community when you guys do :) .
The prospects are highly unlikely. A few years back, some of the team members said they'd like to go on and make UE2 even if I decide not to participate - but that was a few years back, and these days, the people in question barely have enough time to even help with Standoff (actually, that's the case for all of us - we're very determined to finish Standoff, but it is going rather slowly this year), so I do not think UE2 will materialise.
I checked out WC Saga from google - couldn't seem to find it on CIC - maybe its not hosted. Anyway though the project looks amazing esp the trailers and screenshots! i can't wait till that comes out.

So many Wing Commander games to play..... It seems just like the good old days but even better.