Freespace 2


This might be good news for the Wing Commander Saga team: Freespace II is freely downloadable off the internet: http://www.the-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/.

The site says it's abandonware, so there should be no legal problems downloading it. It's also only 219 MB, which seems a reasonable size to me.

If I'm totally outta line here, or I'm saying something totally irrelevant here, go ahead and flame me. :D
Well, seeing as how the first 3 letters of the site (after the www part) is "the" I would assume that he is talking about the site which hosts games that are 10+ years old and are discontinued by their various publishers (iow, abandoned by their publishers). I personally have nothing wrong with the site, and certainly do not consider their files 'warez'...however, in the wcnews forums rules:

"11) Linking to, offering, requesting, or hinting at the existence or whereabouts of warez, abandonwarez or other illegal content, can result in immediate banning."

And, even though the legal status of abandonware is debatable, since this forum considers them illegal, then we posters must abide.
of course it is but i say we go for a change of subject to ensure we dont get locked or banned or whatever nasty treats the admins got for us so i wan to know how you land because i dont thing you can land in freespace you just jump home PLEEASE DONT BAN ME!!!
powell99 said:
i wan to know how you land because i dont thing you can land in freespace you just jump home

I thought all you had to do was clear the area of bandits (if there were any that is) and request landing clearance. But, it's been a long time since I last played FS, so I could (and most likely am) wrong.
you won't have ability to land in FS1 or 2... but that does not mean, that it is not possible in WCS either ;)
Wow you're slow - this is old news.

THQ bought volition - Dragging V down to Suck
Interplay is in it's death throws, and theyjust sucked.

The legal state of abandonware is clear: LEGAL

If someone does not defend their patents/copyrights then it is legal approval, if a trademark is abandoned for three years then it is in defacto abandonment and is therefore null and void.

Clause #1 is true, Clause #2 was almost true: they made a "last grab for cash" and stamped off 2000 'special release copies' out of nowhere.

Posting in exile due to lame bannination
"I'm sure this will start a flamewar" = acknowledgement of contraversial position, not clear attempt to ignite flamewar.
Tolwyn said:
you won't have ability to land in FS1 or 2... but that does not mean, that it is not possible in WCS either ;)
Tolwyn your rank should be freespace god. Good stuff now release it!!!
Got this today in an article of IGDA on on abandonware:

... "Copyrights are not considered abandoned just because they are no longer commercially exploited or widely available," wrote Ric Hirsch, senior vice president for intellectual-property enforcement at the Entertainment Software Association, to Wired News in a statement. "The copyrights in older games remain valid and enforceable regardless of whether they are found on store shelves or not, and copying or distributing those games is a copyright infringement."
powell99 said:
Tolwyn your rank should be freespace god. Good stuff now release it!!!

Your enthusiasm is appreciated, but please read more and post less. You'll get a lot less flak headed your way.