For the Gents

Which One?

  • Angel (strong willed, natural leader... and [i]Belgian[/i] *dr00lz*)

    Votes: 15 20.3%
  • Panther (good-girl, ex-pirate & privateer... heh heh heh :cool: )

    Votes: 20 27.0%
  • Flint (truly, the sauciest... oh yeah, she's ambitious)

    Votes: 12 16.2%
  • Spirit (ummm... really quiet... nice earrings)

    Votes: 2 2.7%
  • Rachel (eh, sixth times a charm :confused: )

    Votes: 3 4.1%
  • Stiletto (the leather & whips type :eek: )

    Votes: 12 16.2%
  • Excel (talks dirty... heh heh heh :cool: )

    Votes: 5 6.8%
  • Commander Patricia Drake, Commander Air Group

    Votes: 2 2.7%
  • Sosa

    Votes: 3 4.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
That was it....

Who am I mixing her up with? Wasn't there someone in the WCU to get decompressed? Maybe I'm thinking of that dastardly techie from "Red & Blue." He was a traitor too.

Were the Mandarin around during the WCA:TV/WC1 time period??
Yeah, after seeing Event Horizon, the phrase "...shoving somebody out an airlock..." was no longer appealing as a joke to me.:o
Originally posted by LeHah

Christ, ok, whatever.

Ok so she's a fucking porn star. So the fuck what? Sexually speaking, Porn Stars are pretty fucking healthy people. They get blood tests every other week for communicatable diseases and get... er... other tests often (I'd assume.)

Yeah, so she's a porn star? So the f*ck what? If you're a female porn star, it means you're attractive and that you're making money screwing. Thats a pretty good life, in my opinion.

Who gives a fuck if shes a porn star! She's actually a smart girl with a good smile who happens to know what to do in the sack. Her other job shouldn't have anything to do with what you think of her WC character.

I'm sick of people tossing this "tidbit" around as if anyone didn't already know it. Shut your yaps, ok? It's no longer interesting.

OK dude, chill. Honestly I have nothing against porn stars, i am a great admirer of most of their work. But nonetheless they, tend to look fake, which is what i meant with rachel from WCP, too much makeup and the make up made her look more like a whore than a tech, whereas in WCIII she looked like an attractive normal girl/woman
Originally posted by Napoleon

OK dude, chill. Honestly I have nothing against porn stars, i am a great admirer of most of their work. But nonetheless they, tend to look fake, which is what i meant with rachel from WCP, too much makeup and the make up made her look more like a whore than a tech, whereas in WCIII she looked like an attractive normal girl/woman

Erm, I think the makeup was to make her look twelve years older... I'm pretty sure that if Ginger Lynn wanted to look like a whore, it'd be rather different <G>
Originally posted by Napoleon

OK dude, chill. Honestly I have nothing against porn stars, i am a great admirer of most of their work. But nonetheless they, tend to look fake, which is what i meant with rachel from WCP, too much makeup and the make up made her look more like a whore than a tech, whereas in WCIII she looked like an attractive normal girl/woman

How does makeup make you look fake? Lots of women, possibly all of them, wear makeup to some extent - are you implying that they are all fake? Also almost everyday I watch on TV ads promoting cosmetics and they make use of women wearing makeup. Are they whores? Finally I think WC3 makes it clear that Rachel is a woman, otherwise Blair would be in serious trouble.
I charge anyone to find anyone in a movie or on TV (man or woman) who does not wear makeup while on camera. You'll find that there are way fewer (or in some people's minds, way more) who do vs. who don't.
Originally posted by Napoleon
too much makeup and the make up made her look more like a whore than a tech, whereas in WCIII she looked like an attractive normal girl/woman

Huh. That's funny. "Whore," wasn't the first thing to come to mind when I saw Rachel in all that makeup and hair spray. At first I thought "gawdy," then, I snickered and thought "eighties hair-metal music video chick."

HAHAHA! "Welcome to the Midway, we got fun 'n' games...." :p
depends on the girl, I suppose then... anyone superficial enough to judge people they don't know on the basis of their make-up is not a smart person.