Finally, a progress report!


Mr. Standoff
Uh.... Hi, does anyone still remember me? :)

Well, it's been a while since I last showed you all something from my (still unnamed and between-engines) mod, but that doesn't mean I haven't done any progress.

In fact, I've finished the Krant and Dralthi models, although I won't post screenshots of them until they are textured (meaning "until I manage to make decent looking Kilrathi textures") and I've also finished the Ferret... The model is somewhat unaccurate because I had little reference material to work with, but it looks good nonetheless.


Oh, and on a side note, I plan to have a site up for this mod once I decide on the name and engine I'm going to use (which reminds me.... please, people, e-mail me suggestions!). The site should make it easier to keep you boys and girls updated on the project's status. Oh, and if possible, I'll make a portuguese version of the site for my brazilian countrymen out there.

"Unaccurate" it looks pretty damn accurate to me!

That's a very nice model, great work!

BTW what reference material did you have, Joan's fighting spacecraft?

[Edited by Royal_Marine on 05-06-2001 at 17:38]
I'm glad you like it...

As for the reference material, I had a shot from the cutscene of Shadow's death, a shot of Blair getting aboard a Ferret in the Concordia's flight deck, and the actual in-flight sprites, all from WC2.

My WC2 is the deluxe version, I don't think it has any ship pictures in its manual...

Looks close enough to me, unless someone can show me otherwise.

Eder, are you doing this stuff by yourself?
Well if you want me to get really picky about it, then the tail wings are bit too small i think and they also have a slight indentation missing from the rear end of the wings.

But it's hardly worth modifying for such minor details.
Originally posted by Wedge009
Eder, are you doing this stuff by yourself?

Yep, the modelling and texturing have all been done by me.
I've already had some bad experiences depending on others to finish my mods, so I think this is for the best.

Oh, and for everyone who mentioned the proportions...
They can't be wrong, since I placed the side and top view sprites of the Ferret (extracted from WC2) as background images in my 3d modelling program, and built the model literally "on top" of those.

The thing here is that the XWA engine distorts the perspective quite a bit (that's why you don't get that feeling of speed playing XWA, I think... not even when hovering a 12 meter long A-Wing 1 meter above the hull of a 1.6km long Star Destroyer :D)

However, about the indentations on the back wings, I might have missed those. But like you said it's not really worth going back and fixing such a small detail... So let's just pretend nobody noticed that :)

Hmmmm.... I really don't feel like fixing the Ferret, so I'd rather just pretend to believe my version is accurate :)

BUT, since you mentioned source models... would you happen to have any WC1 ones, or the WC2 Starbase? Those are some renders I could use... :D


[Edited by Eder on 05-08-2001 at 19:15]
No, there are no WC1 models... but I've got the various WC2 starbases -- which do you want to see?
Sorry I wasn't more specific, I was talking about the type of base you first fly off when starting WC2 -- Caernaveron or however it was spelled...


PS: I don't know about the rest of WC1, but the Scim was probably handmade... Just thinking about the differences you see in its cockpit design throughout the game (not to mention the pictures in "Taggart's Tactics") gives me the shivers! :D
:eek: Hehe ! Nice Pic !
Your meshe and your texures are very good !
Well done !

Do u mind if I ask you a few questions ? ;)
How long did you work on this ship ? What kind of soft did you use ?
It took me about 2 or 3 weeks, I made the mesh in Rhino3D and the textures in Adobe Photoshop 4.

Originally posted by Silent Warrior
It WAS way back in the day, you know. Well, handmade may have been a bit off, but how you ever put it, they were made in something like DOS-Paintbrush. By hand. :rolleyes:
Well, that sounds a bit better. Everything's got to start somewhere, but the way you said "handmade" made it sound as if they were making actual physical models!
That's a very high resolution picture of the Confed starbase, LOAF. Is that from the original model, or are you using a method similar to what you use for the SWC ships?