Favorite Ships

What I thought was interesting was in the WC4N, the Boarder Worlds were flying older fighters from the WC2 era. I think it would have been kind of neat if you had the option to fly some of these fighters in the game, although that would have probably made the game much more difficult.
Mad Cow said:
Does Blair continue to use the T-Bolt until they get Dragons?

Blair actually uses a broadsword once when he goes after Tolwyn in the Peleus system but only briefly.

It would have been interesting to fly a rapier or a sabre in wc4 but I also enjoyed the new border worlds ships that were actually in the game.
*looks around in the mass* DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON :) *shouts with all around him*
The Thunderbolt was surely my pick for WC3 I really missed it in 4.
I dont count Prophecy as a true WC game, so nothing from there. It was too much arcade, i mean too simple (Not=easy!). With a Vamp you could do anything. THere was no point in the other ships except the devastator.
From Wc1/2 i choose the Broadsword definetly, and the raptor maybe. Sorrx, i can't precisely remember.
Does anyone here appreciate the feeling of the Rapier II? It's a real skill ship, as its one of the only ships in WC2 that lack ITTS. You need to aim carefully, multiple misses mean quite an energy shortage. You can rely on the shields to protect you from a few heavy hits, but not on your armor, and shields recharge too slowly for restore during combat.

Still, I love this real skill-ship.
Excalibur and the Dragon are definitely great fighters to fly with. Only problem is they were so 'uber', that WC3 and WC4 became too easy. :(

I still like the Epee.
I personally can't see why nearly everyone hates the epee so much. It wasn't great but at the same time it wasn't that bad.
This doesn't make any sense. Gameplay in WCP was not the least bit less complex than in WC4.and the Dragon is the worse case of superfighter in all of the wc series... It was the fighter to end all fighters and bombers...
Sure, the vampire is the ultimate space superiority Fighter... Just like a teeny weeny fighter called F-15. And another one called F-22...
I liked the Ferret mor ethen the Epee :D LoL Strange, but i could handle that better somehow..... maybe casue it was slower but had more shild or armor??? Cant remeber :( I'm growing old :) I know its hard to admit, but Prophecy was made for 8 y old console guy who could only push one trigger named "fire". I alredy discussed this, I won, and i won't start again :D
One thing I learnt with all these BEST/FAVOURITE SHIP etc is that there is always someone who likes those ships most people hate.

There are scimitar lovers, helcatt acolytes, tigershark fanatics, epee defenders...
I dunno, I didn't mind "uber-fighters" like the Excal or the Dragon- I actually liked them a lot, and considering both fighters were supposed to be state-of-the-art at the times they were introduced, it makes sense that they shred other fighters (imagine the kill ratio of the first jet engine equipped combat aircraft against the then standard top-of-the-line prop driven fighters- the jet fighter would shred too). The only thing I would have changed is that the subsequent Prophecy fighters (both friendly and enemy) would all be at comparable or superior levels to the Dragon or Excalibur, which, IMO, they weren't (missiles and the wasp booster pack aside, it felt to me like space fighter tech took a jump backwards in Prophecy). I'm willing to bet that Prophecy's designers did this intentionally to keep a "WC style" feel to the game. (WC's gameplay would be vastly different if most fighters could afterburn all the time, or even if a "Second" set of afterburners were added to Dragon type fighters to reintroduce the aspect of fuel managment while doubling the flight speed of fighters (e.g. allow the Dragon to go 1200 kps with unlimited fuel, but add a second set of fuel consuming burners to boost speed to something like 2000+ kps)
For me it's all about the Excalibur - sleek lines, big guns, and could jump straight into Kilrah at the hands of a exceptional pilot and frag the kitties.
Edfilho said:
Sure, the vampire is the ultimate space superiority Fighter... Just like a teeny weeny fighter called F-15. And another one called F-22...

WOW, you make me to laught, ahhaahah, who told you that F-15 and F-22 are the Syper Uber aircrafts? Aren't there MiGs and SUs ?.....

YOu should have said : "F-15 and F-22 are very good aircrafts".

And just in case if you will have objection, MiG-29 is still in the use and considered one of the best aircrafts (not the best or uber, but one of the best). And it's MiG-29!!! The ship that has a decade of history or even more.

but anyway as i said, Thunderbold, Hellcat V (love that ship), Banshee (Love it's Lasers), and Rapier I/II (cause to fly that ship, you have to have skills)

Also if i had opportunity I would fly Hornet.
Let me drop into the battle over which aircarft is more Über. Mig is really a fine aricraft, but its not made with the same idea as the amerikans do. F-15, F-16, F-18 are todays most common fighter(/bomber for F15) in the western countries. There is a very big number of them , compared to the eastern block fighters. Why? iTs simple: the amerikan aircrafts are built as disposable!! If an F16 gets hit (and somehow survives which is most unlikely), they wont bother reapir it, they will simply get a new one! It would cost a lot for poor countries to buy new fighters every time something really goes wrong... The eastern block goodies are built to endure, becasue of lack of materials. (don't forget that some of those birds were constructed about 30-40 years ago!, still in Cold War times..) But the Migs and such costs another fortune to keep flight ready. Thats why our (idiotic) country is buying Grippens.. Man, for example Germany only bought two of em to test, both of them crashed dou to mechanic failure... pilots dead. Thsoe thisng really can't fly, neither fight, nor land :D We had beutifull Mig29, 31s.. To the point: none of the countries wants to build an Über fighter yet, because it wouldn't stand a chance on the market with its Über price tag.
(I know that F22, JSF, and such started out as one Über fighter, but all i hear for Lockheads officials that they throw out half of the goodies they planned every day to make the thing work, and have a "not so insane" price)

I hated the rapier, casue i couldn't see a thing from the cockpit compared to the raptor, and its guns could only fire 5-7 shots before totally draining power... Long ive the Raptor (although i dont like its shape that much)
I don't get what do you mean by "space fighter tech took a jump backwards in Prophecy". Most of the Dragon's techs were absurdly expensive. Confed couldn't afford to include those engines in every fighter they made... And besides that, WCP fighters could beat ANYTHING from previous games. The Vamp had the weaponry, engines, defensive techs, sensors and maneuverability to kill most wc3-4 fighters, the Dragon included. Did I mention that WCP fighters have cloaks and anti-cloak techs?

BTW, MiG blah blah blah. No F-15 was ever took down. I don't care if some of you have wet dreams with MiGs and Sukhois. the F-22 has tech enough to be really uber in combat.
Edfilho said:
I don't get what do you mean by "space fighter tech took a jump backwards in Prophecy". Most of the Dragon's techs were absurdly expensive. Confed couldn't afford to include those engines in every fighter they made... And besides that, WCP fighters could beat ANYTHING from previous games. The Vamp had the weaponry, engines, defensive techs, sensors and maneuverability to kill most wc3-4 fighters, the Dragon included. Did I mention that WCP fighters have cloaks and anti-cloak techs?

BTW, MiG blah blah blah. No F-15 was ever took down. I don't care if some of you have wet dreams with MiGs and Sukhois. the F-22 has tech enough to be really uber in combat.

Which WCP ships had cloak technology?