Favorite fighter, Favorite bomber

Favorite fighter: Excalibur, because it was a near perfect dogfighter. Speed, agility, firepower, the Excal had it all.

Favorite bomber: The Devastator. The plasma cannon made using torpedoes just about optional.

Best, Raptor
Favourite Fighter: Excalibur - It was so damn sleek and powerful! DAYUM I loved to fly that thing! Too bad her shields sucked and you'd take damage so easily... Ahh well, weak shields and armour is a small price to pay for unparalleled sexyness and some good guns. :D

Favourite Bomber: Broadsword - Yeah the Broadsword was a sleek and sexy bomber, but manoeuverability sucked (as always for a bomber) but what was good about the Broadsword was that you could use it like a fighter too, just because it could take such a beating and keep on dealin'. :D
Oh god.

No.... not again!

WC1: Raptor!!! Raptor!!! Raptor!!!
WC2: Sabre + Morninstar! Go mace! Go 8 freaking torpedos!
WC3: Not much choice. Tbolt+Excal really. I loathed the Longbow.
WC4: DRAGON. Avenger. See above.
WCP: Wasp + Devestator. Gotta love the plasma
WCpriv: Stiletto!! Gotta love that goddamn thing!
WCArm: The wraith. That thing was over-powered.
SO: Damn Black Wasp + Devestator. See above.
Time to add my thoughts, I know I probably should of had a poll but last time a thread had this basic idea a few people seemed upset cause their fav was left out.

Fighter: Excalibur(WC3) because it destroyed whatever you aimed it at and looked good doing it.

Bomber: I know I'm strange but I loved the Longbow I mean it looked good and carried a crapload of munitions.
Fighter: good ol' rapier.

Bomber: gimme a broadsword and I'll kill 'em all in under 5 minutes. Devastator was too unreal for me. I liked it, but it always seemed too strong to be real for me. I only got killed once in a devestator (even though I played through WCP and WC:SO 3 times each), and that was because I hadn't set my power-bar correctly. It was really unrealistic.
Oh, I think you all know what I'm going to say :cool:

Fighter: HELLCAT V

Bomber: Broadsword, of course

Throughout all games, my favorite ships are-

WC1: Scimitar
WC2: Ferret
WC3: Hellcat V
WC4: If picking the same ship twice doesn't count, then I'd say Bearcat, the ultimate lightfighter. If the rule doesn't apply, see above!
WCP: Tigershark
WCArm: Arrow

Never got into the Privateer ships. Wish I could fly a WC4 Razor, though :D
DRAGON for both categories. It had boss armament against fighters alone, but being able to carry torps and have those fusion cannon bad boys...(in the infamous tradition of Keannu Reeves) whoaaaaaa!!:eek:

I must admit however, the Scimitar in SWC looked sweet, especially in that cool dim red light b4 launch!:D
I'm gonna go with the Dragon fighter, and the Devastator as well, if only because it really WAS optional to use torps! And the Dragon...well hell, anyone who flew it knows why!
I always have problems with such questions. Is the "favourite fighter" the one that made the game most easy to play or the most likeable?
I'll go with the most likeable

Favourite fighter: Rapier from WC2 (though the Dragon is both very powerful AND likeable)
Favourite bomber: Guh, I hate bombers. If the Vindicator counts, this one. Else the Devastator.
Originally posted by Wulf
I must admit however, the Scimitar in SWC looked sweet, especially in that cool dim red light b4 launch!:D

Oh yuck!! The Scimitar in SWC was more-or-less a ray-traced version of the Confed Banshee from WCArm! Ugh! What a travesty! I was so appalled by the SWC Scimitar. Gimme' the WC1/WCATV Scimitar any day!

Also, the Vindicator was an excellent alternative to a bomber. It was, basically, a beefed-up Hellcat V with torps :D

... and if it has anything to do with a Hellcat V, I'm there :D !!
Fighter: Centurion. A joy to fly, cargo space, and as much weaponry as you can afford (a Centurion with 4 fusion cannons or 4 plasma cannons can ROCK!) .

Bomber: Longbow. Small torp armament, but 16 missiles. In addition, in all the games it was in you could *choose* your missile armament, making it more effective than the Shrike or the Devastator since you didn't have to fritter away space on useless crap ("Dumbfire? Mines? Screw that -- just load up on Imrec and torps and let's kick ass").

I liked the Devastator's Big Gun but that's the only thing I like about it -- it's slow, it's easy to kill, and it doesn't have much AB gas.

Most hated fighter: Epee. Confed's TIE Fighter. Swift and maneuverable but explodes if you sneeze in the cockpit.

Most hated bomber: Crossbow. I didn't really *hate* any of the bombers but this one seemed to suck up too much energy to make it's guns useful and it had no AB. I could forgive that in a broadsword 'cause of all it's turrets but the crossbow simply wasn't enough of an improvement over the Broadsword to really like it.


Brian P.
Originally posted by Col.Dom

Oh yuck!! The Scimitar in SWC was more-or-less a ray-traced version of the Confed Banshee from WCArm! Ugh! What a travesty! I was so appalled by the SWC Scimitar. Gimme' the WC1/WCATV Scimitar any day!

Also, the Vindicator was an excellent alternative to a bomber. It was, basically, a beefed-up Hellcat V with torps :D

... and if it has anything to do with a Hellcat V, I'm there :D !!

HahaHA! Yeah, I kinda sorta figured that, but I still liked it IMO 'cause it looked good from certain angles and it stood out from the others from it being an older fighter (I guess).

As far as the Hellcat is concerned..."It's time to chew bubble gum and kick some ass, but I'm all out of bubble gum.":cool: GO HELLCAT!!
Well, I will hand one thing to SWC-

The Hornet (which looked like a baby bee/cute little bug) was vastly improved on. The model in WC1 looked too fantastic (the mile long laser gun tubes)!
Fighter: Dragon - I really can't get past the big guns, formidable shields, hefty missile loadout and of course the cloak. The Thunderbolt's big guns were also very nice...
Bomber: Longbow - The Border Worlds bomber was also very nice, because it seemed to cut a Longbow to shreads, but I think there was something wrong with that game since one IR could take out any ship. The Longbow had lovely big guns with the 16 missiles on rack was also very nice...Load up on FF and let 'em rip