Extracting Ships :)


Rear Admiral
I was wondering, Standoff's finally complete (for the most part, bugfixes are a issue but the beautiful game is completed), now is there any way to put the ships from Standoff into Secret Ops without the VDU images getting screwed up? One time I converted the Hakaga (epic :D), but the ship VDU's for smaller craft were messed up.
You can either edit the MAT number reference in the ship files (not mesh files) so they point to your custom MATs if you know how to do that (there's a tutorial somewhere, on one of the sites linked to in our site)... or you can just copy the VDU MATs from Standoff's tre files. But that will replace the VDU of some random Secret Ops ships as well, since the way we did this in Standoff we didn't have to worry about coexisting with Secret Ops ships peacefully.
Also, note that SO originally allowed for less VDU slots than we needed. This is solved with a DLL hack - there's a config file in there that tells the DLL that some ship slots should use different VDUs than the game claims. Needless to say, this won't be possible with plain Secret Ops, so you won't be able to have all ships working properly at once.
No, capships actually should work properly, as far as I can recall. And I don't think that any ships at all should crash in SO, unless you're running it in Glide (3dfx) mode.

...In theory. And I guess you've just proven that theory wrong :).
I've had some problems with the Snakeir, and a few other Katships. Some Confed's also gave me trouble, like the Waterloo and the Venture. Yes, I know the Venture isn't a Capship, but every time I try to fly it, crash.
Well, I'm certainly not surprised the Venture crashed when you tried to fly it, it definitely wasn't designed for that :p.

Do you get any kind of error messages, though? Unless it's one of those "secretops.exe caused an error in secretops.exe" situations, the game should tell you what went wrong.
No it was exactly that.

secretops.exe caused an error in secretops.exe

Then it asked if you wanna send the error to Mircosoft or something.