Ever been a petition to get another series of WCA?

Yes, in 1996, when something like that would have mattered.

I keep meeting people who think WCA is new. It's *not*.
Talking about WCA TV, the first time I saw it it was on PolSat, a pole channel i can get through satellite in France... it has never been broadcast in my country...:(
Fortunately, the CIC saved me !
It was just a stroke of luck... I was looking for new channels, and I saw a cartoon with a strange carrier which looked like the Claw... That's how I discovered WCA TV 2 years ago...
Originally posted by Quarto
Wow, incredible... you mean non-Polish people actually bother watching PolSat? :)

There's nothing weird about watching foreign language TV. I watch this Chinese programme, even though I don't speak Mandarin. The propaganda reels and the historical drama were quite amusing.

NoRemorse: Was WCATV on PolSat using a Polish dub and if so how did the Polish voices match up to the English ones?
Internet petitions are a lot of bullshit since so few people know how to actually make an effective one. Plus, there's the whole ability of one person to stuff the poll with 20,000 votes.
From what I've heard, an actual physical piece of paper easily holds the same weight as 100 e-mails. Probably something about the physical nature and permanence of the thing.
It'd be funny if a new installment in a big-name franchise like WC came out for DOS.
Hey, guys: how about a new game called WC: The Firreka
Ya know, fly in the age of the elder WC games as a Firrekan who decide to join confed or something. Wouldn't that be cool?