Sorry Rikaelus, but i really just don't think graphics should be a selling point, which is one of the reasons I'm so disenchanted with games now. No thought put into gameplay or plot-the key elements of a game.
Nonetheless, i never said that we play wing commander because it has bad graphics... my point there was that if we can STILL enjoy a game like that 10 years after it's release, it proves something- graphics shouldn't matter.
Next, like I said, FF7 was not made to push the PC graphics- at all! they just ported over the playstation version verbatum. It's nice if you paid that much... i paid for my comp, haven't upgraded it, and don't need to. It may not be the best, but I play what I want to play. I really don't care for Freespace. I really don't give a damn about graphics or the such. I play games to HAVE FUN, not to be treated with eye candy.
Wow... you missed the point of the systems being superior, then again, you missed the point of my entire post. I've seen the N64, and I've seen the original Nintendo, and guess what, You get more quality for your buck on that original nintendo, than with the lame games on the N64 (Which are mostly just reworks of game engines *cough*Banjo Kazooie*cough*)
Next, about patches... i was referring to the pure ridiculousness of another argument, which you took for my argument?!?! What's with that..
I was making a point about how stupid these things can get, that someone complained about this..
Patches are around for PC games because it's possible, wheras in a console, you have to deal with the bugs... reread my post slowly and tell me if you still think that was an argument of mine...
"Your job is not to die for your country, your job is to make some poor dumb bastard die for his!"- Patton