did i find bugs or am i an idiot? you decide..



first off, thanks for the great work, i'm really enjoying the game. and apologies ahead of time if i'm posting this in the wrong spot.

issue #1: i bought a tractor beam for my tarsus. it wouldn't go into the 3rd bay (the one marked as light/medium/heavy), so i had to put it into my 2nd instead of missiles. in any case, when i try to tractor something in even from under 100 distance units, the stuff i'm trying to tractor in just bounces off. i can see not being able to tractor in large things, but even ejected pilots won't go in. i approach the object, lock it and keep it in my crosshairs, match velocity with [f9] and then press and hold space. am *i* the weakest link? if so, the manual needs a patch ;]

issue #2: when i have two concurrent missions with the same endpoint, one of them doesn't register as completed. for example, if i'm hauling cargo to system X planet Y and escorting a ship to the same, even though the objectives for both get 'ticked off' as completed for all intermediate steps and the end objectives are listed as the same, when i dock to the base the cargo transport is successful, but the escort isn't. am i confuzzled?

If your cargo bay is full, tractored items bounce off your ship.

You may need to wait longer for the escorted ship to get closer to its destination. Escort missions need to finish before you land I think.
flyboy said:
Escort missions need to finish before you land I think.
That is correct. Sit around an wait for a while. Sometimes it help to put the destination between yourself and the ship you are escorting.
Btw. wingmen, don't you just love them?
They can't keep any kind of reasonable formation and are following me in a messy bunch like some amateur bums. Plus they fall waaay behind every time I use the autopilot. Don't they have autopilot systems installed or what?

Sometimes it takes quite long for them to follow me through jump, even if they were right behind me. Yeah, take your time as 25 hostiles are slaughting me in the other side...

This makes certain massive defend/escort missions difficult/impossible where I would need my wingmen the most. Usually I'm attacked right after jump/autopilot and enemies are mainly shooting at me+protected ship because - where are my wingmen? Still in previous sector or 30.000 kliks away because they can't use autopilot!

In other Wing Commanders I've played my wingmen were able to keep V/line-formation nicely (during autopilot too) and I could see them flying by my side when I glanced out the side windows. After B&A-command my wingmen charged the enemy afterburners blazing. That was cool. Remake's wingmen just make me angry.
Phew, end of emotional discharge.
Well that's just it, waiting for the wingmen all the time can get kinda... hmm... boring :) It would help enormously if they would stay close to me (like 5000 kliks) at all times, even when I use autopilot.