Criteria Nodes in the Nav Comp


Before getting to the topic of the post, I've gotta say WOW. I was really blown away by what you guys have accomplished here.

I found the idea of the Nav Comp superb, and was especially happy to see programmable criteria in there. Unfortunately, I can't get them to work. I based myself off the instructions in the latest version of the manual.

If I understand things correctly, the criteria nodes are supposed to bring up destinations that match the selected criteria. I tried to use the example of the manual:

1. Created a "New Path" by clicking on "Add" in the Navigational Computer (List Mode)
2. Selected the path and hit "Edit"
3. Clicked "System" and selected "Current" then hit "Source." As far as I understand, this sets the source point.
4. Clicked "Criteria" and highlighted "Contains" in the menu. I entered "Refinery" in the text box, then hit the "And" button. The desired criteria appeared in the bottom right box, as it is supposed to.
5. Clicked "Destination."

Here is where the trouble occurs. There is a "PATH NOT FOUND" message. I was hoping that the defined path would show the way to the closest refinery. Other than this the system works great, as when I set the destination to "Target" the pathing function displays properly.

Is this feature simply not implemented yet? I believed it would be of great benefit as a feature of the original game's map (which displayed the type of planets, refineries and mining bases in a system) is missing from the remake. This sometimes makes it harder to plan trading trips unless you're quite familiar with the area.

Once again, I have to say this what a mindblowing rush it is to see such a beloved game with modern graphics. You guys RULE!
glad you love it...
actually I'm not sure about the status of the nav system---I've never personally played with it farther than using it to plot a path to a given system from the current system ...
has anyone here had successful experiences with the path finder--it's possible I broke it when trying to eliminate a reported (crashing) bug just before release---clearly making it not crash is more important than the search feature--but I don't think it would have been affected
The pathfinder works fine. The problem is with the criteria "search engine-like" feature.

A simpler alternative would be to implement a button for each of the base types (agri-planet, pleasure-planet, mining base, refinery, and finally specials) and just have the systems with the selected base type highlighted on the nav map. It would give an at-a-glance overview of the desired base composition and make trip planing that much easier.
hellcatv said:
it's possible I broke it when trying to eliminate a reported (crashing) bug just before release---clearly making it not crash is more important than the search feature--but I don't think it would have been affected
Sorry if it was my fault. :)