Cockpits or not?


Jumping around from various Wing Commanders, I am curious to know if people either preferred cockpits, or just a HUD. I remember what first captured my attention when I first saw a demo of Wing Commander back in '90 was the detail of the cockpit, and the hand wrapped around the joystick that moved, mirroring the player's actions. I thought that was the coolest thing ever. Wing 2 looked pretty much the same, and then I thought the cockpit in Wing 3 was so super-cool, because it was photo-realistic, or close to it anyhow. Wing 4 introduced the cut-away HUD that gave you more room to see, and then Prophecy sort of combined the two ideas. I prefer a cockpit myself....just makes me feel like I am in that ship.
I agree with you on that Topgun. (even thought there ARE not real Confed pilots)

cockpits are cool. when they're in the way, manuver your ship to compensate- after a while it becomes second nature. If that doesn't work, sell your Orion and get a Centurion instead :D
Lunitari said:
I remember what first captured my attention when I first saw a demo of Wing Commander back in '90 was the detail of the cockpit, and the hand wrapped around the joystick that moved, mirroring the player's actions. I thought that was the coolest thing ever. Wing 2 looked pretty much the same, and then I thought the cockpit in Wing 3 was so super-cool, because it was photo-realistic, or close to it anyhow.....just makes me feel like I am in that ship.

I felt the same ting. I always prefer the cockpits.
Marc said:
I agree with you on that Topgun. (even thought there ARE not real Confed pilots)

cockpits are cool. when they're in the way, manuver your ship to compensate- after a while it becomes second nature. If that doesn't work, sell your Orion and get a Centurion instead :D

I know that there are NO REAL Confed Pilots, Yet ;)
a cockpit alwaus looked better, and looked more real. makes it feel like your actual in a spacecraft
As long as we are talking PvM or better PvK (?) ;-) I am all pro cockpits. In PvP I'd turn them off.
Cockpits were an integral part to WC, when they took it out it just wasn't quite the same. (IMHO). It was part of the way you could tell you had a new toting a nice shiny new cockpit. :)
well, the whole idea behind the cockpits is that it keeps a seamless integration between FMV cutscenes and the like, and the flight part. taking them out killed that sense of 'you're really there'. cockpits all the way.

oh, and if you were a real pilot, you'd not be able to turn your cockpit off, you'd have to deal with the visibility issues and just be a good pilot.
Cockpits definitely look better than HUDs. The decreased visibilty is just one of the elements of flying a ship which must be dealt with by the pilot. One thing I remember that made things challenging was when I was trying to lead kilrathi ships with the longbow when they were flying up, but they became hidden behind the cockpit so I couldn't see them. Although it still looks nice, the longbow cockpit was a terrible design from the point of view of a pilot.
I like the cockpits, even though I turn them off when I can. But they should be there. They pretty and cool.
and the Priv cockpits are the best. The Tarsus has an old PC making do as controls, ehehehe
BradMick said:
oh, and if you were a real pilot, you'd not be able to turn your cockpit off, you'd have to deal with the visibility issues and just be a good pilot.

That's what I said :D
This is a very interesting thread, I never imagined I would be in the minority on this subject. I started playing with WC3, and I thought the cockpit looked unrealistic. I rationalized turning it OFF as being more realistic visability-wise. In a real fighter, you could easily see more space than in the game even with the cockpit off. If I was looking forward, I could see enemy fighters to either side of me and slightly above by using my peripheral vision. In the game, you have to find and press keboard keys to look in various directions, press again to see forward, and you can't see both at once.
Yeah, that was my biggest gripe about WC4 was the lack og cockpits. They could have at least given you the option, as in Wing 3.