cloaking question

Well, it takes a lot more of a gravitational pull to pull in a fighter or an asteroid than a stormfire round.

Best, Raptor
Exactly how can a cloak be gravitational? Perhaps cloaks work in the same was as shields, ie, deflecting the energy, however it deflects light in such a way to appear transparent.

Another possibility is like light can be bent in the atmosphere, the light around a cloaked ship is bent through an electromagnetic field. The charged particles may be arranged in such a way as to distort light.

After all, heat off a road can SEVERELY bend light, and no gravity is involved!
Is that based on what Confed learned from the cats technology or did Confed develop that on their own or does it say either way LOAF? Id look myself but I dont have that book! :)

That's the Kilrathi technology... Confed didn't develop their own *real* cloak until the very end of the war -- and they didn't mount it on anything until the Lance was first produced in '72.
So in WCIII, the cloak prototype that you pick up at the refuel depot is something of a spin-off from Kilrathi technology? What did Confed do to aquire that?

Maybe that got lost in the German translation (or I forgot it which is quite possible too ;) ). I was fooled by the fact that when you cloak in WC3, your ship actually disappears as if it were completely cloaked. But then it is only special effects...

[Edited by Mekt-Hakkikt on 03-28-2001 at 13:36]
The exact capabilities of the Shroud are in the 'briefing text' shown in the FMV during a briefing....
Ah, so nobody tells it to you, you have to catch the text on the screens in the briefing room.

(BTW: I know what a "FMV" is but I do not know what the abbreviation means: Filmed Movie....? or sth like that? )
For a sensor cloak it shure made that Excalibur totally vanish from the external view! Came in handy tho when its needed!

I recall in WCIV, where you fly a mission with insertion pods, you have Pliars cloak thing, when used, it gave the outline type cloak, much like the DRAGON cloaking and looking at it from external view. The same happens on Pliars improved cloak. It gives that outline of the ship. Then of course the DRAGON cloaks. This all reminds me of an old cartoon where they show a navy ship with her crew topside. All you see is the crew standing in mid air and a flag post as the ship sails by! :D

Originally posted by Mekt-Hakkikt
BTW: I know what a "FMV" is but I do not know what the abbreviation means: Filmed Movie....? or sth like that? )
I believe it stands for "Full Motion Video".