CIC's 14th Birthday

Almost there on the ship specs, guys. Just got the Texas-class left and then I'm on to pilots. Probably do 10-12 sets of stats like I did for Prelude. I'd thought of recycling those, but where's the fun in that?
Alright, ships are done.

I need a good picture to replace the one I've got as an example of Terrans (the one I've got is from WC3; it's the beginning of the scene on the bridge where Thrakhath taunts Blair and triggers Hobbes' memory overlay). It's a great picture, but it turned out way, way too dark when it went to print in Prelude. Anybody got any suggestions?

The Kilrathi picture needs to be replaced too. I've got one in mind - it's from WC3, unfortunately, but it'd definitely be light enough to print well.

Actually, I'd considered some of the aces from WC1 for both cases...
Hey, what do we know about Lt. Col Blakely, other than that he was the Savior of Enyo and one of Carl LaFong's teachers? Anything?

Lemme make sure I have responsibilities correct here: it was Tolwyn who was in command of the Enyo task force, but it was Blakely who came up with the plan to mine the jump point, right?

While I'm figuring out the folks involved, are there any Cat aces I should include at this point? I'm building eight new Confed pilots for the mission, and I've already got their names, rank, callsigns and nationalities picked out. Going to start in on abilities soon.

I've also now got a page up for the campaign and I'll be using it to build the campaign as I go. The page is at; if y'all want to follow along and offer input as I go that'd be helpful.
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Incidentally, I'm not necessarily intending to name all the missions after Clint Eastwood movies, though I will admit the thought had crossed my mind...mission 5A's title is not an Eastwood movie, but it's not set in stone, either.
Rolled out the Enyo system map today. My first instinct is to try again, but I thought I'd let y'all look at it and tell me what you thought of it. Gateway jump got generated with rocks.


If nothing else, I need to move up that ambush point.
Well, remember that we see a little bit of the system layout in Wing Commander I. The first mission, for example, has you scouting three jump points, two of which have asteroids near (but not at) them.
You're right, I missed that.

Well, the pattern from the Alpha Wing mission does resemble what I've got on the left-hand side of the map (with Nav1= Gateway, Nav2=McAullife and Nav3=Dieno). I'll have to check the distances between those points though; they may be further than "20,000 clicks out". If that checks out, though, I can move the rocks from the Gateway jump to the McAullife jump.

EDIT: It looks like it'd check out, if the 20,000 klicks refers to the distance of each point from the Claw and not from one another.

And of course the Epsilon Wing mission could be at any one of the jump points - the target system of the Drayman isn't specified.
Alright, so let's try this instead:


Nothing much has changed; I've pushed the Bellona Refinery (Nav 6) and the planet Enyo (Nav 7) closer to the center of the system, I've turned the ambush point into a proper nav point (Nav 8) and I've pushed that point closer to the center of the system. Rocks have been moved from the Gateway jump at Nav 3 to the McAullife jump at Nav 4 (not listed), and there are small asteroid fields at unlisted ambush points between Nav 3 and Nav 5 and between Nav 1 and Nav 2. I'm considering rocks at Nav 8 for story purposes, though with three fields in the system already that may not be necessary.

Barring any further comments, I'm going to start building missions based on this map as is.
One thing that might be worth noting: something at some point happens at Enyo III. One of the Midway-class carriers was the TCS Enyo III...
One thing that might be worth noting: something at some point happens at Enyo III. One of the Midway-class carriers was the TCS Enyo III...
Another one - Enyo's star is a pulsar.

... and it's home to Naval Station Gemini.

Hmm...the pulsar's definitely interesting information, as it'll have an in-game effect on fuel efficiency. I can probably incorporate it without problems.

I do remember there being a TCS Enyo III; I'd always assumed it was a reference to the planet Enyo and the Enyo Engagement. Without more data on the system I wouldn't be able to say for sure, though. I'll make that assumption.

Naval Station Gemini...probably would've been the Cat's first target when they invaded the system. That piece of information would provide me with a much more solid foundation for the first mission (i.e. TCS Sara Maru was a ship docked at NSG when the Cat's invaded the system, rather than just happening to be in the system at the wrong time). And I wouldn't have to add it to the map that way...

What are the sources for these data, BTW? I don't see references to them at the CIC Encylcopedia or WCPedia.
The pulsar is from the movie, which starts in the Enyo system.

Naval Station Gemini is from the novel Pilgrim Stars. (There's also some talk in there about what an Enyoan accent sounds like, if that matters.)
I'm beginning to think I need to add an in-system jump to the map, possibly one very close to the planet. Otherwise certain elements of the campaign won't make a whole lot of sense.
Alrighty...I've got the nav map up and I'll probably finish up the mission briefings later today. I have a good idea of how many encounter areas will be in each mission, so the next thing to figure out is how strong to make the Kilrathi in each encounter. I'll be doing another setup like what I did with Prelude, where the players may have the opportunity to pick their fighter for each mission and the number of friendly craft is variable depending on the size of the player group, and so there'll be different encounters based on that information.

Roughly how much stronger should the combined Kilrathi forces be as compared to the Confed ones, do y'all think? With Prelude, I shot for parity for the most part, but something tells me that shouldn't be the case for Enyo.
Alright; selections have been made for encounters and the campaign is starting to take shape.

Yesterday I started putting tables up for the pre-made pilots, and it occurred to me that I should try to have a little bit more about them this time around. I mean, in Prelude I had to throw the pilots together so fast all I could provide was their in-game stats; I didn't have a chance to say anything about any of them. I'd like to at least say a few words about how each pilot got their callsign with Enyo; what else do y'all think would be nice to know about them?

On a similar vein, I could use a few Cat call signs (preferably original ones, but I'll take ones we've seen before). A few in Kilrathi would be awesome, but I don't know enough of the language to put any of those together.

Going to also be building a commo officer, a bartender and a couple of lucky Arrow pilots before everything else is said and done.

Thirteen days left to go; still hoping to finish up early.
Ten days left and I am going to be lucky to finish early at this point. :(

Assigning encounters is proving to be a slow process. On the plus side, the first mission is nearing completion and much of the boilerplate work for the remaining missions is done at this point. Still need to build my extra personnel and Cats.

Not much to talk about; just thought I'd let y'all know how things were going so far.
One week to go. Lemme take stock of where I'm at.

Campaign Prep, background and map sections - done.
Mission 1 - done. finally.
Mission 2 - I need to finish the last two encounters and the stinger. The first of those two remaining encounters is basically complete. The second...
Missions 3A, 3B, 4, 5A and 5B - sporadic sections completed, but mostly undone.
What's Next section - complete.
Character sections - I have notes on the pre-built pilot characters, and at least have names for a few of the disposable extras. No Cats yet.

You know what? I don't think I'm gonna make it...