Chapter I. Orders


This is the first of an ongoing story, much like what Quarto's been writing, and probably won't end (as long as i don't lose interest or ideas), until OSI says that WC is dead forever. Enjoy. I'll get Chapter Two "Things to Do" up when I get it finished.



2683.238, TCS Nemesis

"This is the COS KnightFall, requesting permission to land Nemesis."

The Comm officer looked at the screen again, and saw what he thought he did. Nothing. There was a ship requesting permission to land, yet its not on the screen.

"Thats strange.." He thought aloud.

"What's strange?" Captain John "Fireball" Winters said as he strode across the bridge to the com station, wondering what was happening.

"Sir, a ship just requested clearence, but it doesn't register on the scope, you know whats going on?"

"Nemesis, I'm waiting...." the speaker said.

"Fuck. He's here...." Fireball breathed.

"Who's here? whats going on sir?"

"Nevermind, give him clearence, and forget about it."

"But sir.."

He was cut off:

"Don't 'but sir' me! Just do it, thats an order!"


"Thats better."

Winters plucked his PCU from his belt and hit the button for a direct, encrypted connection to the Rear Admiral.


"Admiral, he's here."

"Wow, he's early...."

"His file said he could cut corners, I didn't expect him as soon either. He's landing now."

As if on cue, a ship materialized in from of the bridge and flew directly over top of it. The majority of the bridge crew fell out of their chairs wondering what the hell happened.

"What the Hell?!" Were the mumbled cries of the bridge crew.

"I'll meet you on the deck, I"m coming from my quarters, so you'll beat me there. I'm leaving now."

"Yessir, I'm making my final checks now, and am now on my way to the lift."

"Good, I'll meet you there, Scorpion out!"

Fireball clipped the PCU back to his belt, and stepped into the lift that had opened upon sensing his coming.

"Flight Deck." Winters said.

There was that brief 'stomach in your throat' feeling that the lifts always give you when dropping fast, and then an abrupt halt, at the flight deck. The lift opened and John strode onto the flight deck, towards the unusual ship sitting there. It was a beauitiful sight, especially to him, as he had thought of it, put it on paper, and convinced the Admiral that such a ship would be ideal for those missions we don't want people to know about. The deck crew were already back to their usual jobs, trying not to stare at the high-powered wonder in front of them. Nintey meters long, and a real deep gray, it was a sight. Though only slightly longer than a Devastator-class bomber, it was 3 times the ship than that ship could ever dream of being. with a cockpit remincient of a Tigershark, only bigger, and the 'U' shape of the hull that surrounded the sides of the cockpit, and also housed the main guns. The Vampire like wings extending from the back housed the rest of the artilliery. The Matter/AntiMatter engine wiht three thrust ports centered in the back, and then the 2 rotating pods on the ends of hte wings, could propel it to a top speed of 900 k/s, with a cruising speed of 500 k/s.

Just then a hatch at the side of the ship opened with a hiss of air and out stepped the pilot of the vessel. Winters heard the the lift doors open and turned to see Scorpion stride out. He walked to where Winters was standing and stood beside him. The stranger walked quickly from the ramp to them and stopped just short. He snapped to attention

"Jeremy Mulligan, callsign Knight reporting sir!"

Winters gave his regular half salute and Scorpion saluted back.

"At ease Colonel. Welcome aboard."

"Thank you, sir. I've heard alot of good things about this ship."

Scorpion rasied an eyebrow towards Winters....

"I..I...I didn't tell him! I didn't meet him until now!"

Scorpion chuckles to himself. He loves having that effect on people.

"How'd you hear those Colonel?"

"I keep up to date on all the new tech coming off the lines. I read the specs for this back when it was still in Perry, and figured that that wasn't the whole story, so I've kept up with it as much as possible. I see from the looks that most of it was true. Been a while, hasn't it sir?" Knight said, extending his hand.

"Yeah, since I went to the Eisen for that little trip you took aboard it, to brief you about the Alabama, and how to keep your mouth shut about what you fought out there." Scorpion said with a smile, reaching out to shake the outstretched hand, memories of the trip coming to mind, even through the trama.

Winter's decided to jump in the conversation:

"The Admiral's told me alot about you, more than what was in your file. You seem to have racked up a pretty good stack of metals." He nodded towards Knight's chest, which had his few awards on it. He was proud of them.

"Thank you sir, I'm really proud of my babies." Knight joked.

"Well, I must return to my duties, damn HQ never lets me have any slack. I'm sure that Fireball here will be glad to give you the grand tour of the ship, unless you have other matters to attend to...."

"Actually, I do. I have to fix a sensor that quit working on my way here, and write up my log for the flight, and do a report to file in the ship computer. Then I think I'm going to catch a nap. Will I have a bunk here?"

"Yes, we've set you up with a bunk, in the officer's quarters believe it or not, but don't let it go to your head. We can't afford for you to be spilling your guts to the pilots about your missions."

Knight chuckles

"He he, ok sir. I might take up that tour after my duties are done and I catch a nap. I suppose I can find you on the bridge?"

"Yes, finish your duties here, and come to the bridge. I'll take you to comms and get you a PCU so you can stay in contact with the Admiral and I while you're aboard, all personnel have them. Then I'll show you to your quarters, and you can go night night." Winters said with a hint of sarcasim towards the end.

"Ok, sir, thanks."

"Ok, now that that is said, I must get back to the bridge."

"And I back to my paperwork."

Scorpion turned and followed Winters' route to the lift as Knight turned to go back to his ship to fix the bad sensor, waving to the nearest tech to come with him. He needed to know where the parts were aboard this bucket if he was going to do any work at all. The tech strode up:


"I need a sensor chip, for the autotargeting systems on this ship. I know Scor...I mean that the Admiral keeps them around for his Dragon, where can I get one?"

"I'll go get find one and bring it here."

"Ok" Knight said, not used to being treated like that.

He strode inside the ship to start removing the necessary panels to fix the chip. Probably a dud off the line, worked for the tests, and then quit. New ships had problems like that.


More to come later.

HTML Assistant: WC Space Command
Administrator: UBW 5th Fleet
Member of the LMG and hating it (Disgruntled Man)
Striking a man down with your blade is clean and honorable. Shooting him in the back from the darkness of an alley and hurrying to blame it on another was something else altogether.--Darth Vader

[This message has been edited by Knight (edited March 19, 2000).]
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<LI>&gt;This is the COS KnightFall,&lt; - Not a mistake, just a query - What's COS?
<LI>&gt;a ship materialized in from of the bridge&lt; - In front of the bridge.
<LI>&gt;I"m coming from my quarters&lt; - Apostrophe, not quote.
<LI>&gt;Nintey meters long,&lt; - Ninety? That would be over twice as long as a Devastator (which is 36m). Unless you meant 90 feet (27m) in which case it'd be shorter.
<LI>&gt;engine wiht three thrust ports&lt; - With.
<LI>&gt;I read the specs for this back when it was still in Perry,&lt; - This ship perhaps?
<LI>&gt;even through the trama.&lt; - Drama? Trauma? Either way it seems odd.
<LI>&gt;Winter's decided to jump in the conversation&lt; - *bounce* *bounce* *bounce*

<LI>&gt;The Admiral's told me alot about you,&lt; - A lot.
<LI>&gt;racked up a pretty good stack of metals.&lt; - Heh. Medals.
<LI>&gt;I'll go get find one and bring it here.&lt; - Get or find, not both.

Well it's short (for a change) and not much happening yet, so I can't say much about the story. It's fine so far, though a little rushed. You might want to proof-read before posting - a spell check will help but not fish out everything eg. metals - medals.
BTW, you might want to cut down on that signature thingy.
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#1, Like I said, alot of this ties into the WCSC PBM, and COS is one of those things. COS stands for Covert Operations Ship, meaning this is one of those ships few know about, and it's kept from the sight of most. In the WCSC PBM, this is the scout ship for the TCS Nemesis. If you want some more info, just click on the WCSC link in my sig. Anyone else remember that song; "It's my story and I'll make it up as I go, up as I go, up as I go!" Nevermind that last sentence.

#s 2, 3, 5, 9, 10, & 11: All spelling and grammer mistakes. Give me a break. Word97 crashes my entire system, (what doesn't anymore) and I had to do it in Write. I went over it quickly, but those are just things I missed.

#4, OK, a screw up on my part. It's supposed to be 60 meters, and I thought a Dev was 50. My bad.

#6, Since that what the current topic of the quickly moving conversation was about, yes.

#7, Yes, trama. Same case as #1. Scorpion was involved in an accident a few years before this story takes place, actually more than a few, but he still has a bad memory. These storys are ment to develop a character for role play, so that the other players can get an idea of the person's beliefs, feelings, attitudes, etc.

#8, LOL

Well it's short (for a change) and not much happening yet, so I can't say much about the story. It's fine so far, though a little rushed. You might want to proof-read before posting - a spell check will help but not fish out everything eg. metals - medals.
BTW, you might want to cut down on that signature thingy.
Yes, its short, that's why its called "Short Story." Nothings ment to happen, its just for character development and reading pleasure. Like I said, I have no spell check, and barely have enough tiem to write it, because when I have an idea, I'm usually in the middle of something and have to get it down quickly, then I forget to go back and finish editing it, and then I post it here for potshots & comments without having it read. BTW, My sig is set for the General Board. We can't have 2 sigs, and I'm only going to post a story or a reply once in a while, so what's it matter?

HTML Assistant: WC Space Command
Administrator: UBW 5th Fleet
Member of the LMG and hating it (Disgruntled Man)
Striking a man down with your blade is clean and honorable. Shooting him in the back from the darkness of an alley and hurrying to blame it on another was something else altogether.--Darth Vader

[This message has been edited by Knight (edited March 25, 2000).]
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7. Er, I believe the spelling is trauma, as in accident trauma.

As per the sig, it's not the content but the amount of content. 6 lines of sig per post just seems a lot to me...especially since you see it every post.
This is the first of an ongoing story, much like what Quarto's been writing.
Actually, I'm writing a book. That's not quite the same.

until OSI says that WC is dead forever.
. Wrong thing to say, perhaps? Or is the story now over?

1. *yet its not on the screen.* - It's. Those apostrophes are sneaky.
They'll run away when you need them, and jump aboard when you don't.
2. *whats going on* - Yep, they're definitely sneaky.

3. *Nevermind* - Is that the guy's name, or should there be a space between Never and mind?
4. *Nintey* - Ninety.
5. *with a cockpit remincient of a Tigershark* - Capital letter at the start of sentence.
6. *with a cockpit remincient of a Tigershark, only bigger, and the 'U' shape of the hull that surrounded the sides of the cockpit, and also housed the main guns* - Too long again. Suggest rephrasing.

7. *on the ends of hte* - The.
8. *He snapped to attention* - I guess it's not just apostrophes that tend to run away. Full stops too.

9. *Scorpion chuckles to himself. He loves having that effect on people.* - Chuckled, and loved. Wrong tense, that's all
10. *Winter's* - And this nasty little apostrophe decided to sneak in when you least expected it to
11. *Knight chuckles* - Chuckled. And a full stop, too.
12. *sarcasim* - Flight sim, but sarcasm.
13. *Admiral keeps them around for his Dragon* - Well... looks like Confed does have a few skeletons in their closet.

There. Again, a slight problem with the commas, but otherwise everything's fine. As Matrix says, you need to spellcheck; you also need to proofread. But hey - we can always find the mistakes for you

As for the sig... you know, you can just switch it off when posting here
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