Caseys callsign

Frosty! lol
He has no officail callsign I'm aware of yet, Blair didn't even have one for the longest time I think either Academy or WC4 was the first time the called him Maverick.
I think Blair got his callsign when he got his name; in WC 3.
As for Casey, I guess Frosty will just have to do for now
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Yeah, but supposedly Roberts used Maverick in WC1 for his own Callsign.


CAG of the Blacklance HQ
"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
Chris Robert's callsign was "Maverick". Origin's source-material for Wing Commander III listed Blair's callsign as Maverick, but the first *actual* use of the callsign in a product was in a reference in the Wing Commander III novel. The callsign also appears in the TV series Wing Commander Academy and in Wing Commander Prophecy.

Long live the Confederation,
Ben "Bandit" Lesnick
( - 302228)

The Wing Commander CIC

"You go, LOAF! Get some!" -JPG
Oh great, now i know somethings wrong with me, I didn't spell to right when i was trying to prove i wasn't stupid.(too)
No I don't think you are stupid what gave you that idea

We're all friends here. Hehe, sorta.
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Even you're not all friends, you'd better act like you are

Cheater: Above every post, there are two or three little icons. One of them is used to edit messages. The next time you make a mistake, don't post another message - just correct the original
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Hey, by the way, how do you guys make those little faces anyway, I've been wanting to know that ever since I first came on.

[This message has been edited by Cheater (edited February 07, 2000).]
Cheater: Try using the FAQ. It's in a link at the top of the screen.

Aide to politician: "Are you sure you want to ahead with this ban on smoking in eateries?
It'll put you in a no win situation.
Either way smokers end up fuming in restaurants."
The Politician by David Fletcher.

okay, I got it

[This message has been edited by Cheater (edited February 07, 2000).]
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Not on the first try obviously


CAG of the Blacklance HQ
"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
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you have to like those little emoticons or emotigrams depending on preference.

[This message has been edited by Death's Head (edited February 07, 2000).]