Cartoon Broadsword pics


I was wondering if anyone could post a few pics of the Cartoon Broadsword. I haven't been able to find pics of it many places at all, if any.
This one?


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Mostly capships of the kilrathi, or any other fighters and pilots (blizzard, spirit, others) of the confederation. Mostly because i have not seen the series in years and i could not get the downloads to work, so i could not compare them to the game ships.
While i was just curious to see multiple different pictures of the pilots again.
I'll grab some shots of the pilots in a bit (no Spirit on WCA, though). For ships, if you use the 'Title/Body' search here:

And then search for "Ships of the Animated Series", you can find pictures of all the ships from the show.

Maybe we can help with the downloads, though -- is it a problem downloading, or playing the files?
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Then who was the girl pilot who shot down Blizzard (when he was going to torp the Claw) and kept having flashbacks/regrets of it?

I thought it was Gwen "Archer" Bowman (or soemthing like that) who shot down Blizzard...:confused: The one Maniac was after(among others).

Wasn't Payback the bloodthirsty one?
Mostly because i have not seen the series in years and i could not get the downloads to work, so i could not compare them to the game ships.
There were some routing issues yesterday, you may want to try again. Also, make sure you right-click and select "save target as..."