Cap ships...

yeah. Suddenly the bug stares in shock as your fighter disintegrates from a blast from that wicked-looking turret gun on the underside of the Cerberus...

In either of those two missions where the cerberus and the Bugs meet, it takes quite a while for them to come into gun range. And when they do, you and your wingmen have usually waxed the Bug ship without too many problems. Even on Nightmare.

You deal death with your roars and your screams, your threats, your taunts, your overblown ego. I hand it out, one with the steel and the silence, the blackness around me, with a thought.
Shane: I had the full X-Wing game, including both add-ons. I also forget the 4th TOD name, but it was about the Rebel evacuation from Yavin and the subsequent search for food and other supplies. No SD vs Cal fights in that one, either. But this is a WC board...forgive me.
Don't worry but dont exceed limits of the confed but even I like it but I dont talk about it since I am more loyal to the confederation