cannot launch

  • Thread starter Thread starter Unregistered
  • Start date Start date


Hi, i'm having some troubles getting UE to work. Ive tried all the options, changing it to run in compatibility for 95, 98 and 2000 and im running an intel pentium 4 with Gforce mx 4000 graphics card.

When I open up the launcher and click start, it comes up with the error 'could not determine what GL DLL to load'. any ideas?
What video/card mode do you have it set to? Sounds like it's not set at all. Have you tried reinstalling and setting this?
Unregistered said:
When I open up the launcher and click start, it comes up with the error 'could not determine what GL DLL to load'. any ideas?

The day someone would read the manual, use the SEARCH function of the forum or heaven behold just click on the topic that is named "could not determine what gl dll to load" ( is probably the day the world will end *sigh*

So to repeat it again: You have to install Unknown Enemy (or Standoff) into THE SAME directory Secret Ops is installed to. You NEED SO to play either game. You may NOT install it into a backup copy of SO but ONLY into the directory SO was originally installed to.