
Fenris Ulven

How in hell(cat) would they manage to destroy hilrathi homeplanet with that big slow thing? It should easy have been stopt, even if they dident have a traitor.
It did have a large range... if they jumped in they wouldn't have to fly very long before they would be within firering position. I don't think that a Kilrathi cap ship would have made it in time to destroy the Bohamoth. And a few little spaceships wouldn't have time enough to destroy it if they didn't knew it weakspot.
The kats only killed it because they knew where it would show up... If they were caught with their tails down, the Behemoth would probably have had time enough to fire one shot. That is all that it needed =)
although even a moderate strike from the kats could have hit enough of the weak spots randomly to destroy it...
Behemoth was the Confed's last trick at winning the war (until the temblor bomb, at least). The war effort was on the point of total collapse; I don't know if Behemoth would have been able to take out Kilrah, but a long shot is better than no shot at all.
Fenris Ulven said:
huge target is easier to hit the small..,

Don't forget that there was a player controled guy called Maverick that kills one Kilrathi ship every 5 seconds ;) defending the Bohemoth.
yeah but don't forget there's a lot more kats than confeds....especially in that one portion of space...
Id assume that Confed would assemble a large strike force and go from system to sytem, taking out Kilrathi instalations/planets before getting to Kilrah. Then running a fleet offensive against the Kilrathi home fleet while the Behemoth primes for a long distance attack.
And they tried to enter the system from a lesser patrolled area, it seems; as far as I understood, hobbes gave away both the surprise and the weak spots.

Even assuming if the Kilrathi didn't have a spy in Hobbes, I'm not sure if that would have been the best course of action. First of all, they had very little time until Kilrathi forces were slated to mass for an assault on the Sol system. And even if they did have time to hit several installations, the Kilrathi would no doubt be scrambling to come up with an effective countermeasure (maybe kamakazi fighters filled with explosives, but who knows). I think Tolwyn wanted to "crush the head of the snake and/or "kill Rome" by blowing up Kilrah so remaining forces would be demoralized.

Of course I could very well be wrong. Any thoughts?
In a certain sense, it was a Kami-Cat that got Behemoth . . in the novel. He knew he couldn't shoot it down, so he just set his speed and tried to ram it. He even succeeded after his ship was blown up, because the remains of his craft smashed into whatever vital section of ship that was.
even if they had reached kilrah the fact that the entire grand fleet was in orbit would probably give the kats a reasonable chance of destroying it anyways
You're still missing the range factor. According to the briefing holo, they were going to be firing very soon after exiting the jump point. If there'd have been a movement within the Kilrah system, the mission would have called for escort to that point. Looks like, as soon as they got inside the Kilrah system, it'd have been ten minutes tops that Behemoth would have turned Kilrah into . . well . . what it later became.

Most of the fleet was in orbit. There was a decent escort fleet with Behemoth, to clear away anything that happened to be right near the jump point. As soon as Behemoth reach Kilrah system, it'd have been "hasta la vista los gatos" (in the words of Vaquero).
Yeah, precisely, they only had time enough to kill the Behemoth because they knew where it would be.

It's no use knowing the weak spots of something if you don't know where the thing will be =)

And it didn't really need to survive the strike, once it had shot Kilrah to hell, the kats might as well destroy it...
"We're going to Kilrah with that thing, aren't we?"
"Well, what would you aim for if you had the biggest gun in the universe?"

Tolwyn intended to destroy the Cats homeworld and would've probably done it even if they asked for a peace agreement (considering the armistice that lead to the Battle Of Terra). If you took Hobbes out of the picture, Tolwyn would've gotten what he wanted - as far as we know, the Kilrathi had no real intel on any Confed skunk ops.
LeHah said:
"We're going to Kilrah with that thing, aren't we?"
"Well, what would you aim for if you had the biggest gun in the universe?"

Tolwyn intended to destroy the Cats homeworld and would've probably done it even if they asked for a peace agreement (considering the armistice that lead to the Battle Of Terra). If you took Hobbes out of the picture, Tolwyn would've gotten what he wanted - as far as we know, the Kilrathi had no real intel on any Confed skunk ops.

Never agreed more with LeHah...
I wouldn't say they had no real intel, I'm sure they had some tidbits, but they might not of had anything concrete, but I mean you really can't hide the behemoth when you are advancing on kilrah, it might have been possible for the tarawa raid (they gave up their secret approach on purpose) but moving something that large and not having it detected at least a little before it was supposed to be used seems highly unlikely