Average life span

75 is our 'minimum maximum' - since we don't even know when the Emperor (he has a name now!) was born, we can't even say with certainty that he was 75 when he died.

Hunter claims Paladin was over the age limit for fighter pilots in Freedom Flight - so there must be one (for those serving in the Terran Confederation military, anyway).
Joor'rad - I guess it'll take me some time until I have memorized all those new bits of information S*S provided is with.

BTW, wasn't there also a Emperor named "Joor'ath"? I think I remember that name from FC...
Joor'rad - I guess it'll take me some time until I have memorized all those new bits of information S*S provided is with.

BTW, wasn't there also a Emperor named "Joor'ath"? I think I remember that name from FC...

Yes, there was - I'm sure the similarity in names is intentional. Joor'ath was from the Wing Commander III novelization - one of them Kilrathi pilots attributes a famous phrase to him ("The warrior who obeys can never be dishonored.")
Thanks, now I remember. It's when one of the Darket pilots is ordered to return and report that they enountered Blair and Hobbes.