Attempting to install WC4 on Vista



I got my copy of the CD version of WC 4, last night. I tried to install it on my Vista machine, but it gave me an error message that involved not being able to run in fullscreen mode.

So I went ahead and installed DOSbox. I was able to get the WC4 Install menu going. When I attempted to copy the files (Mission, Gameplay, etc.) to my hard drive, it gave me an error stating that I had to create a boot disk before it could do this.

Today, I just bought an external floppy disk drive so I can create this boot disk. Am I going to run into any more problems when I attempt this again, tonight? Or is there an easier way that I can be doing this? Thanks!
which vertion of vista do you have? Im using vista home premium and not ran into any problems. When I put disk one in and auto laoder came up and went stright through the install no problems.
which vertion of vista do you have? Im using vista home premium and not ran into any problems. When I put disk one in and auto laoder came up and went stright through the install no problems.

I am using Vista Ultimate (32-bit version)
I am still not having any luck with this. It won't even let me MAKE a boot disk because DOSbox can't seem to detect my external floppy drive. Not even after I type 'mount a: a:\'

Am I missing an important step here?
Ok, I got it installed now.

While I'm playing through it, the sound tends to cut out for a split second. It does this every few seconds.

I can't tell if it's doing it during missions, but it's DEFINATELY doing it during movie scenes.

Any thoughts?
Ok, I got it installed now.

While I'm playing through it, the sound tends to cut out for a split second. It does this every few seconds.

I can't tell if it's doing it during missions, but it's DEFINATELY doing it during movie scenes.

Any thoughts?

sounds like you need to tweak your cycles setting and or frameskip in dosbox.

Alternately, you could apply the win95 patch and then set the compatability mode for the game exe and see if the windows version runs better for you.