Armada Sector of the Day

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Kilrah was green, probably because the writers (Forstchen and Staffesh) thought "Well, Kilrathi are based on cats and wild cats live in the jungle...Jungles are green, right?"
Don't say anything that you could regret. You know some evil spirits can't enter houses unless they are invited... :)

[Edited by Mekt-Hakkikt on 07-10-2001 at 13:45]
That's why you always ask "Can I come in ?" when you come to a person's house. To do otherwise is to risk bringing spirits, bad karma or curses down on a person's house.
Originally posted by Mekt-Hakkikt
So what? Can I come or not? <g>
That was meant for LeHah, who once qualified himself as a "rambling fool"... ;)

But yeah you can come, you'd have to stay at your uncle's though! :)
I am a rambeling fool. But beware my awesome FPS abilities and my extensive Elliot Goldenthal Score collection! ::Immitates the "seagull attack" violin sound from the Final Fantasy movie score::
His name was LeHah! :D

<<WaS nOt! HiS nAmE wAs GhOsT rIdEr! :mad: >>

Ssssh! Silence, Ghost Rider!

[Edited by LeHah on 07-10-2001 at 14:38]
Originally posted by WildWeasel
Originally posted by mpanty
Oh BTW, no "rambling fools" in my house...

Does that mean that you don't live in your own home?

(That was a joke, by the way)
In general, when people don't want to be taken seriously or pull out a joke on forum boards, they use this nice little thing: :), to show they're not being real jerks...

But to answer your incredibly funny joke:

Indeed no, I usually spend most of my time at your mom's.

(this was also a joke, by the way)
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