Anyone listening???

Men in Tights is hardly the best movie...

Those honors would go to Barney's Great Adventure!:)(I never could resist a purple dinosaur)
I never meant best movie, I meant best comody, best movie goes to The Empire Strikes back, with the original Back to the future comming in a clost second
Let's not go there... everyone has different opinions. Heck, the movie critic for our weekly free-to-air TV guide gave 5 out of 5 stars for the two Ghostbuster movies. (?!)
Face it, even though they were funny, neither merits 5 stars. 3 at best.

Best Picture goes to ESB, of course, and for Comedy: the South Park Movie (I mean, seriously, if you weren't laughing your ass off by the time Terrance and Phillip were singing Uncle Fucka, you've got problems). For best drama I suggest Gladiator, but mainly because I don't like many drama movies.

Romantic comedies don't deserve to exist, unless you're one of those freaks that puts There's Something About Mary and the like in there.

And for best horror flick, it's hard to say.

Worst movie? Dracula 2000.

I mean, Judas? For CHRISTS sake, JUDAS?!?!?! How much crack do you have to smoke to suddenly change the story of the story you've already agreed to follow? "Oh, gee, I think that I'll use Stoker's Dracula, but he was wrong writing it this way, it should happen like this..." And don't get me started on the guy playing Von Helsing...

Originally posted by KrisV
How would you go about spamming your own board? I doubt anyone from Origin or EA is watching. It doesn't matter anyhow.

so upload free KS ;)
No, games that are about 10 years old, are still protected by copyright, now a termonuclear attack on their offices around the world will be a far better choise.
I wonder if I can find in russia some stategic missiles cheap since they need cash.....