Anyone have a general WC CD cover pic?

Mad Hatter said:
You can buy the CD at for about 14 bucks, can`t you?

Hmmm, if that's the case, then I'll look into it (though I really DON'T like, I think I can make an exeption in this case
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Well then, I guess I'll get it as soon as I can scratch some money for it huh?
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Where to Buy has several online stores for the WCM score. I bought mine directly from Sonic Images for $20 shipping included (to Europe).
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to get back on the subject;
the peter telep screensaver has a very cool shot wich shows capships from every game and the move, very cool, maybe you could use that one.


a while ago, someone made a very cool wc calander the was a page that showed almost every wc carecter, you could use that one...

Telep's site;


i hope this helps you.

When I'm in the air...
I'm indestructible.
No one can stop me...
But they try.
Realy WC fans support the WCSCRP
What about the Confederation symbol, like the one in WC4, with the lightning bolt?

"Your job is not to die for your country, your job is to make some poor dumb bastard die for his!"- Patton
I assume that's what he means... let's ask.

Is it this?

(edited when I realised I had used a fairly big version of that picture and replaced it with a smaller one to speed up loading.)
CAG of the Blacklance HQ
"Canadian and proud of it"-TC

[This message has been edited by TC (edited May 14, 2000).]
It must be TC because the other two don't have lightning bolts. He probably figuired it was Confed because of the prominant appearence of it in the manual and guides. Tooner, the Confed symbol has an eight-pointed star. The UBW has a small star with two moons.

[This message has been edited by Death's Head (edited May 15, 2000).]
Yeah i realized that after rechecking everything... stupid me..

nonetheless, i think the Black Lance is a cooler logo than the confed one

"Your job is not to die for your country, your job is to make some poor dumb bastard die for his!"- Patton
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Yeah, I thought he must have meant BL... but sometimes people are insane and mix up stars and lightning bolts... So pictures help.


CAG of the Blacklance HQ
"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
:P I was tired... I just kind of though that the lightning bolt would be a more powerful symbol for confed. It's been too long since I've played a Wing Commander game...

"Your job is not to die for your country, your job is to make some poor dumb bastard die for his!"- Patton
Silent Warrior said:
To get back off the subject again...
Kris, I can't find WCM soundtrack anywhere, and most online stores usually require a credit card, and can't ship to other locations than USA, isn't that right?
I can't think of a single store that doesn't ship outside the US.
Well, I live in Sweden, have no credit card (ain't got one, will never get one), and I never saw even a breath of WCM here, except on this site. I would support the franchise if I could.
Don't you have local online stores? I know 2 or 3 Belgian ones, and this country bites. So there's bound to be at least one Swedish one. European online stores tend to accept different kinds of payment like cheques or direct transfers.
Get someone whom you trust and who trusts you to buy it for you with credit card or even locally, and send him the cash by mail or something. I think there`re a few people here on this site who could probably do it, heck! we`re all one big family, aren`t we?
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No... no we are not...

(And for the last time... NO I won't send you $100 000)


CAG of the Blacklance HQ
"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
Tooner said:
Yeah i realized that after rechecking everything... stupid me..

nonetheless, i think the Black Lance is a cooler logo than the confed one

I think I once read (as a matter of fact, on this site) that the Black Lance insignia bore a striking resemblence to that of the Church of Satan (though I may have just as easily dreamed that

If I'm locked on, there's no such thing as evasive action!
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