Aces and Eights...

It`s just like sitting in an ejected ejection pod. No biggie.

[This message has been edited by Mad Hatter (edited September 13, 2000).]
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Mad Hatter said:
It`s just like sitting in an ejected ejection pod. No biggie.

Until it's fired as a torpedo at whatever it's supposed to hit...

And if it hits a fighter (by accident, or whatever...)

No biggie?

Maestro: "Lighten up Spyder! We're not gonna die! We're gonna WIN!!"

Zero: "Hey, Maestro... Uhh... If you DIE, can we pick through your stuff before we head back to Sol?"

Maestro: "You can burn in Hell."

[This message has been edited by Anagram (edited September 14, 2000).]
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At least you've got something around you. Remember WC1-3

The time is near.
There are still quite a few days remaining.

Hail to the king, baby.
-Ash, housewares

I don't care for fame, power or money...
I just want to FIGHT!
-Sanosuke Sagara
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I think that he's referring to the fact that in WC1-3 you simply didn't have ejection pods. It was just you in your flight suit and the chair where you were strapped.

The WC Source Code Release Project needs you!
"This matter winds itself ever in new riddles.", Faramir - The Lord of The Rings
"Yesterday we obeyed kings and bent our neck before emperors. But today we kneel only to truth..." - Kahlil Gibran

Member of the LMG(Centaurian)
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Oh, I remember seeing the looks on those ejected pilots' faces...
And then I shoot them, and they bounce off into oblivion.

And then I restart the mission because I don't like losing wingmen. ~LOL~

Maestro: "Lighten up Spyder! We're not gonna die! We're gonna WIN!!"

Zero: "Hey, Maestro... Uhh... If you DIE, can we pick through your stuff before we head back to Sol?"

Maestro: "You can burn in Hell."
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I didnt know about that deadman's hand thing, but I had a pretty good idea Vag was gonna die. Blair commented about never seeing him lose, Vag lived on luck and it caught up with him. I wish he had stuck around

"I'm putting you back in the cockpit Colonel, where you will be reunited with an old friend, the thrill of battle!"
-Tolwyn to Blair WC IV
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Actually MIPs are quite tough. One time I fired them at a ship then blew up the ship. The resulting explosion failed to harm the MIPs or their passengers despite the fact that they were attached to the exploding ship.
Heh, heh. Good ol' game engine. Hey, I forgot about the WC1-3 eject chairs. You could never kill the WC2 chairs, though. It's funny to blast eject pods in Privateer, lovely bloody helmet floating around...
BTW, when you eject, you are propelled at a very high speed. Maybe not as fast as the MIP, but still potentially deadly if you crash into something.
The moral of the story being, don't try this at home.
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For laughs I flew my Excalibur inside the Victory then ejected. I actually exploded!
Then despite the fact that my Excalibur (in mint condition, minus an ejection seat) is safely inside the Victory, Captain Eisen chews me out about losing my fighter.
For more unintentional laughs the first time I reached the surface of Kilrah I was jumped by Ekapshis. Not yet realizing there was an unlimited number of them, I spun around in my Excalibur dishing out tachyon death. After nearly choking myself by laughing too hard about how many kills I was going to get out of this mission I suddenly noticed the sheer number of kitty ejection seats dotting the landscape. In fact it looked like Kilrah had chicken pox, or should that be Kilrathi pox!
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I didn`t want to ruin your little anecdote, but if I`m not mistaken, your ship is supposed to explode as soon as you eject, so basically, Eisen should have chewed your ass for probably destroying at least a dozen more fighters, killing every miserable bastard who happened to be on the flight deck at the time, not to mention ruining the new paintjob of the hull.
All in all, I`d consider myself lucky.
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I don't think the ships started exploding after ejection until WC4, I can't remember. They did in WCP and SO. I know that they don't in WC3, I was just playing the other day and ejected on a few missions.. I just wanted another chance to blow up the Kat Dreadnought, so much fun.
There were several times when I ejected for the heck of it in WC1 and the ship exploded.

If I'm locked on, there's no such thing as evasive action!
Even if you don`t see the ship explode right away, I find it hard to believe confed would allow ships to remain intact once the pilot ejected. Security reasons.