about WC: Unknown Enemy

  • Thread starter Thread starter Chance
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i was readin there site and stuff and came across a mentioning a of Kilrathi Super Carrier
that kinda leaves the WC story line doesn't it?
in WC4 Melec states All there ships of war were dismantled
and i doubt Confed would allow the Clan of Sivar to get enough materials to build one a ship lake that
just had to stick my -2 cents in and find out more info on this promising Mod or whatever it is

[This message has been edited by Chance (edited January 12, 2000).]
Its feasable that the one of the kat clans had a super carrier, because in False Colors which takes place after the war ended, the Renegade kilrathi province had a whole damn fleet PLUS a dreadnought.

"I'm putting you back in the cockpit Colonel, where you will be reunited with an old friend, the thrill of battle!"
-Tolwyn to Blair WC IV
In the great void of space it wouldn't be that hard to hide the materials for a Kat Super Carrier or the Ship itself... (Those things are big but not in the cosmic sense.)


"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
but with confeds resources wouldn't they learn of this?
and from the screens it looks like u fly by the cats that have this thing
doubt confed would go for that wich isprolly why (so it sounds like) you fly for the border worlds
also the on board carrier screens look like there supposed to be from the bengal class cruiser
i thaught only 2 of those cruisers were made the tigers claw and one smaller one
No Kilrathi capital ships were built after the war -- but a number that *were* built *during* the war went renegade rather than be dismantled.

Long live the Confederation,
Ben "Bandit" Lesnick
(loaf@wcnews.com - 302228)

The Wing Commander CIC

"You go, LOAF! Get some!" -JPG
that really give me more to think about
and i mean that literally
anyone know if theres a book all bout the kilrathi and where i can get it?
You can play all the games and read all the books... That's the only way you can really learn about them (or listen to the knowledgable people long enough)


"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
sounds fun
but i still wish there was a book or something
i also wished the Movie followed the Game a helluva lot more
but thats never gonna happen right?
Well when the WC Encyclopedia is up you can read stuff in there I guess (being done by LOAF, will be part of the CIC)...

The game and the movie will never be more alike (unless you go back in time and change one of them


"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
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Well... Kilrathi Capital Ships only came AFTER the war itself.
There have been reports of Kilrathi Capital Ships being designed and created during near the end of the war, but none were actually built until the war was concluded.
Well... it shows Kilrathi understatement triumphs again
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damn double clicked and double posted
look below

[This message has been edited by Chance (edited January 07, 2000).]
ohhh an Encyclopedia sounds fun when and where
hmmm i been promoted kewl
What are you talking about... ships were NOT build after the war, only before and during as far as we know...


"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
Hey, don't yell at me!!!

The Encyclopedia will be out when it's out... and you will hear about it then


"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
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i'm yelling at u cause u almost started one
and if ya haven't guessed i'm camping over my browser on the this forum tonight
i'm bored and my WC2 still won't work
Easy easy now!
*leans back*

Do you remember seeing any Capital Ship that were not after the war from the Kilrathi?

"To take one step forward, you must look back three steps... and walk forward while looking back... "
I was correcting someone... When a person makes a statement that is the exact opposite of the truth then I tell them that they are wrong.


"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
and cprrecting poeple these days leads to fights i know
i had spme kid at school throw a book at me for correcting him on something
lol haha!

No... that for sure, is not surprising...
Just remember to make sure why THEY said what they said before any objection is made.

"To take one step forward, you must look back three steps... and walk forward while looking back... "
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