3D rendering advice needed

Ok, this might sound like a stupid question and I'm sure that I'm probabily just missing something, but can anyone tell me what 3DS is? At first I thought that it was 3D Studio Max, but I downloaded a mesh that was labeled as a file version called 3DS, but it wouldn't load in Max. Anyone know?
3ds is just a generic export file type for max. it stores a lot of information only readable in 3ds max. its the native mesh format, instead of doing everything in the scene. hope that makes sense :)

Brad Mick
I thought it might be something like that. I most of just downloaded a crupted file or something. I'll give it another try. :)

Thanks for that.
I found a listing for Maya 6.0 on EBay for $99.99. I didn't read the details of the entry so I don't if it's someone selling pirates or legit or what the deal is. The biggest problem I've been having is finding places to actually purchase a program. I chased after 3DS Max for while and could only find resellers, who stil wanted several thousand dollars for used copies and the salesmen never really seemed to take me seriously anyway.
I'll keep looking around, I just want to get something I can have the disks, rather than a staright internet download.
Your best bet would probably be a book store like Barnes and Noble...look in the computer graphics section, there's typically a book or two on 3ds max that comes with a version of 3ds max. Obviously it's not the complete full on program but you typically get a working version.
I don't know why companies like Discreet, don't sell, for example, Max 6 for a fraction of the price of what they used to be. I could guarantee them that they would make quite a bit out of it.
The other thought I had was to take my sketches and see if anyone else wanted to model them. But I also have other sketches I'd like to do models of, but they're tied into other writing projects I've got that I'm planning to get published. Like I said I'll keep looking around and see what I can find. If I decide to have somebody else model my WC stuff I'll drop another post, probably in the fan projects section.
Anyway thanks for all the input, I appreciate it! :D