3D Group Getting Together (May 29, 2000)


Super Soaker Collector / Administrator
Comcoqrok had this to say about the formation of a WC 3D modeling group.Ok people, a few of us over at the Sci-Fi Art Forums are going to put together a Wing Commander 3D group. We aim to create the amazing ships from the Wing Commander universe in 3d in various formats. I know this has been tried before with not much sucsess and I myself have followed a number of these endeavours and have seen them die sadly due to lack of interest. Well, that's not going to happen this time. There's already a few very interested and motivated individuals who happen to be excellent 3d artists, so half the battle has been fought and won. We are looking for any other interested people to help out. We need texture artists, modelers, people who can provide good reference material... If you can think of any skills you have to offer the group, come on over to the Sci-Fi Art forums and get involved. The more talent we have, the better the end product will be.We already have an amazing quality Vaktoth fighter that is nearly complete. This is better than any Wing Commander mesh I've seen. So come and join in. Let's create worlds. :)Any questions just send your e-mail to: comco@dingoblue.net.auSounds reasonable. With the success so far of Fleet Action, my faith in such projects has only been reaffirmed. So good luck.

Original update published on May 29, 2000
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