1.4 patch 1 up

Hmm, still haven't been able to reproduce this. With these files

dofile "flightcommander.lua"

function init()
--  Mission_setAutopilotEnabled(false);
--  Camera_setCameraType(CAMERA_COCKPIT)
  alliancedead = 0;
  networkdead = 0;

function onalliancedead(shipid)
  alliancedead = alliancedead + 1;
  if (alliancedead == 4) then
    Objective_setState(0, OBJECTIVE_COMPLETE)
    if (networkdead == 5) then
      Comm_playVideo("sonicunderground_oneleft.wav", "midway_statusbad.avi", "Sonic Underground", IFF_FRIEND);
    if (networkdead == 4) then
      Comm_playVideo("sonicunderground_twoleft.wav", "midway_statusbad.avi", "Sonic Underground", IFF_FRIEND);

function onnetworkdead(shipid)
  networkdead = networkdead + 1;

function ontransportdead(shipid)
--  Objective_setState(1, OBJECTIVE_COMPLETE) -- Gotta Fix

function Nav1Enter()
  Comm_playVideo("sonicunderground_return.wav", "midway_landing_bad.avi", "Sonic Underground", IFF_FRIEND);
-- Objective_setName(0, "Destroy all Alliance fighters.");
--  Objective_setState(0, OBJECTIVE_INCOMPLETE)
--  Objective_setName(1, "Protect the Sonic Underground.");
--  Objective_setState(1, OBJECTIVE_INCOMPLETE)
--  Mission_setAutopilotEnabled(true);

function Nav2Enter()
  Comm_playVideo("spite_wingattack.wav", "helmet.avi", "Spite", IFF_ENEMY);
  Ship_setForceEject("$all1", true);

-- Friendly

-- Pale Moon Rise
-- Kirvee
-- Jarrah
-- Kool Kat
-- Rocky

-- Baddie

-- Lilix
-- Alliance Marine Transport
-- Mista
-- Soopaha
-- Spite

And this xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mission name = "" sector="blue" can_eject="true" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="mission.xsd">
  <navpoints number="2">
    <navpoint numships="5" numwaves="1">
      <ship name="network" pilot="player" comm="casey" video="helmet" autopilot="true" must_survive="true" alignment="friend"  wave="0">
          <point  x="-0.1669449" y ="0.0" z ="-7.345576" />
          <point  x="0.0" y ="0.0" z ="0.0" />
      <ship name="networkwing" pilot="Pale Moon Rise" comm="maestro" video="helmet" autopilot="true" alignment="friend"  wave="0" scriptid="$net2">
          <point  x="-2.3372288" y ="0.0" z ="-8.514191" />
          <point  x="0.0" y ="0.0" z ="0.0" />
        <script ondestroy="onnetworkdead"  />
      <ship name="networkwing" pilot="Kirvee" comm="maestro" video="helmet" autopilot="true" alignment="friend"  wave="0" scriptid="$net3">
          <point  x="2.1702838" y ="0.0" z ="-8.84808" />
          <point  x="0.0" y ="0.0" z ="0.0" />
        <script ondestroy="onnetworkdead"  />
      <ship name="networkwing" pilot="Kool Kat" comm="spite" video="helmet" autopilot="true" alignment="friend"  wave="0" scriptid="$net1">
          <point  x="-4.5075126" y ="0.0" z ="-10.016694" />
          <point  x="0.0" y ="0.0" z ="0.0" />
        <script ondestroy="onnetworkdead"  />
      <ship name="networkwing" pilot="Jarrah" comm="jarrah" video="helmet" autopilot="true" alignment="friend"  wave="0" scriptid="$net4">
          <point  x="4.0066776" y ="0.0" z ="-10.350584" />
          <point  x="0.0" y ="0.0" z ="0.0" />
        <script ondestroy="onnetworkdead"  />
      <script oncreate="Nav1Enter"  />
    <navpoint numships="7" numwaves="1">
      <ship name="midway" pilot="midway" comm="midway" video="midway" autopilot="false" land="true" alignment="friend"  wave="0">
          <point  x="-363.27213" y ="0.0" z ="4658.4307" />
          <point  x="0.0" y ="0.0" z ="0.0" />
      <ship name="alliance" pilot="Lilix" comm="maestro" video="helmet" autopilot="false" alignment="enemy"  wave="0" scriptid="$all3">
          <point  x="4594.3237" y ="0.0" z ="-4402.0034" />
          <point  x="0.0" y ="0.0" z ="0.0" />
        <script ondestroy="onalliancedead"  />
      <ship name="alliance" pilot="Mista" comm="stiletto" video="helmet" autopilot="false" alignment="enemy"  wave="0" scriptid="$all2">
          <point  x="4337.8965" y ="0.0" z ="-4679.8" />
          <point  x="0.0" y ="0.0" z ="0.0" />
        <script ondestroy="onalliancedead"  />
      <ship name="alliance" pilot="Soopaha" comm="maestro" video="helmet" autopilot="false" alignment="enemy"  wave="0" scriptid="$all1">
          <point  x="4038.7312" y ="0.0" z ="-5021.7026" />
          <point  x="0.0" y ="0.0" z ="0.0" />
        <script ondestroy="onalliancedead"  />
      <ship name="alliance" pilot="Spite" comm="spite" video="helmet" autopilot="false" alignment="enemy"  wave="0" scriptid="$all4">
          <point  x="4102.838" y ="0.0" z ="-4380.6343" />
          <point  x="0.0" y ="0.0" z ="0.0" />
        <script ondestroy="onalliancedead"  />
      <ship name="marinelc" pilot="Alliance Marine Transport" comm="maestro" video="helmet" autopilot="false" alignment="enemy"  wave="0" scriptid="$trans">
          <point  x="4701.1685" y ="0.0" z ="-4872.12" />
          <point  x="0.0" y ="0.0" z ="0.0" />
        <script ondestroy="ontransportdead"  />
      <ship name="panther" pilot="Rocky" comm="maestro" video="helmet" autopilot="false" alignment="friend"  wave="0" scriptid="$net5">
          <point  x="-534.2237" y ="0.0" z ="4594.3237" />
          <point  x="0.0" y ="0.0" z ="0.0" />
        <script ondestroy="onnetworkdead"  />
      <script oncreate="Nav2Enter"  />
    <objective name="Destroy all fighters" category="primary" default="complete" />

By the way, you probably want to edit objective names and initial values in the mission editor. You typically only change the objective state in a script. You typically only need Objective_setState(int objectivenumber, int state).
I've found the problem. It seems that when the joystick is initialized it thinks that some buttons or something related, have been pressed. Before, the take off would have stopped any input.

I was able to fix the wingmen thinking I attacked them by changing their ship position.