1.0pre5 rocks!

Lone Wolf

Well, I've just gotten through spending all of my day playing 1.0pre5 ('cept for when I was at church). It is TOTALLY AWESOME. I hacked my savegame and transfered all of my assets from 0.9. That gave me enough to buy a drayman. I then filled it up with 5 Demons and ran off to play carrier captain. I named my drayman the GDN (Gemini Defense Navy) Victory. The name's very appropiate. So far we've got about 40 kills and only two losses. This version is awesome! Being a carrier captain is a blast. Only one suggestion (so far): I think that whenever you tractor a fighter into a capital ship, it should be repaired automatically and the cost deducted from your account. I haven't been able to find a way to repair my Demons, and this would fix the problem. Other than that, it rocks. If I think of anything else, I'll let y'all know. Thanks for all the hard work!