Wing Commander Movie Cut Scenes Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

AD has been hard at work recovering and restoring some of the scenes cut from the final version of the Wing Commander movie. Enjoy this collection of work he's done so far!

Paladin Ejects - Paladin is forced to eject from his Broadsword after sinking a Kilrathi warship.

Blair Leaves the Diligent - Blair, originally the turret gunner, is lured aboard the Diligent in search of the NAVCOM AI.

Tattoo - Blair asks Paladin what his neck tattoo means.

Kilrathi Compilation - All the Kilrathi footage originally intended for the film.

Pilgrim Chat - Paladin reveals more details about the Pilgrims.

Alternate Intro - An alternate cut of the movie introduction featuring an opening narration from Blair. (As of publishing time this video is blocked because of an incorrect copyright claim; it should be available soon!)

FPS Experiment - An experimental sequence shot first person for the shipboard combat sequence.

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