That's A Lot Of Cats Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Starman from the WC Saga team posted this wallpaper featuring a nice collection of Kilrathi ships seemingly about to bombard a planet. It's based on a screenshot taken in-game, which is quite surprising given that there's more lighting than usual.
This one is again only done by a single screenshot-capture in the Freespace-engine using our mod-stuff. I only created the mission where I placed the ships and backgrounds for this shot. Also I did this one in 1280x1024x32, with 2xAA. Theoretically the game is playable in this, but it is currently unsupported, becauce the HUD-Stuff is misplaced in that resolution.

European Chance To Meet Paladin Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Raptor reports that John Rhys Davies will be attending the Collectormania convention this year. The convention takes place in Milton Keynes, England on April 29th through to May 1st, and is a great opportunity to get your copies of Wing Commander III and IV signed by your favorite Scottish Senator.
A bit of WC related news that will be of interest to Wingnuts in the UK, and possibly elsewhere in Europe, considering how easy travel is within the EU. John Rhys Davies will be at Collectormania 7 (Friday April 29 to Sunday May 1) in Milton Keynes. There will also be guest stars from Doctor Who, Stargate SG-1, Battlestar Galactica, Buffy and Angel. I've never been to Collectormania before, but it looks interesting.
You can find out more at the Collectormania site.

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