That's a Wrap! Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

The CIC's First Birthday Party is now over, but we're not stopping there. We still have a lot of work to do reporting news, upgrading our currect sections and creating new sections as the need arises. If you haven't gotten a chance to look at our lineup of new features, you can find the list here. You can also find complete logs of last night's Birthday Party here. We'll be working out the details regarding prizes soon. Here's a rundown of who won which door prizes last night. If you're a winner and haven't done so already, please email us.

Maniac Action Figure - Spaceboy
Paladin Action Figure - Ezis
Kilrathi General Action Figure - Ainamacar
Marine Blair Action Figure - Pedro-UE
Pilot Blair Action Figure - Halman
Movie Press Kit - Asterix
Movie Postcards - Iceheart Rob
Movie Postcards - Meson
CIC T-Shirt - Death
CIC T-Shirt - Frosty

Andrew Keith Memorial Tribute Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Almost three years ago the online Wing Commander community was stunned by the sudden death of Jason Bernard, Captain Eisen from Wing Commander 3 and 4. From that event, a number of online tribute sites were created. With the recent passing of False Colors/Heart of the Tiger co-author Andrew Keith, we'd like to put together a simple tribute for him as well. Since he worked behind the scenes, it's harder to relate to him compared to Bernard, but he was a real great guy who was very attentive towards the fans. If you'd like to contribute to a memorial, you can begin by posting a message to the CIC Chat Zone or emailing us, we'll be compiling submissions soon. Update: tributes have been compiled here.

Birthday Party Logs Online Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Did you miss the Party? Want to see the next best thing? We now have logs of the big event available to read online. The first log starts about two hours before the opening of the new CIC sections and continues two hours after. The smaller version of the log contains conversation from just one hour before and after. You can find the first log here (191 k) and the second here (131 k).

Rash crash causes splash at flash bash lash-up Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Hack from hell Eno Barbus gives a report from the sharp end. Great reports from Rock emperor Zak Skintight's 'Piss-up in a Brewery' party at the Braufhrer ale plant on the planet of Karatikus. The result of a rash comment by a disillusioned groupie, it really has to be one of Zak's best bashes to date. One event slightly marred the celebrations, when Zak gave me an impromptu high-speed tour of the plant in his brand new Thrashmobile 5000. The 200kmh jaunt came to somewhat premature conclusion when Zak piled the 80,000 cred roadster into the brewery's main storage tank. The whole plant is now thoroughly flooded, and Lythia, a substance which absorbs water and carbon dioxide, is much in demand.

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