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It's our first anniversary... and here's what's new.

From Hades and Chris comes a comprehensive game based index of Wing Commander's fighting spaceships. From A-Arrow to W-Wasp, they're all here... check it out.

From Hadrian we have a video of 3D Wing Commander 2 ships put to music -- it showcases some excellent modelling and rendering skills.

From Byydo comes a massive undertaking properly entitled Byydo's Happy Secret Thingie. I won't reveal its terrible secret outright, but can safely say that Wing Commander has finally taken its place among one of the staples of the Internet.

From Kolokov's diseased mind is born the sequel to the now deceased Kolokov's Wing Commander Site -- Kolokov's Starlancer and Freelancer Site. Expect Kolokov.Babes soon.

From ace, an exciting all new mailbag... keep sending letters, people.

And me? Well, I've decided to release the first part of the CIC's Wing Commander Timeline. This is the first of three segments, this one covering the pre-war era. I'm leaving to drive to UT tomorrow, and the second part (the war) will be posted when I return.

And there's also a cake...


Kevin Kwast: For maintaining our server and for not killing us when we want to do silly things.

Delance & Kris: For helping Chris & Hades with their ship database.

Phoenix: For the beautiful graphics, which we have since bastardized.

Boomer & David Swofford: For answering our questions, no matter how annoying they were.

Neil Young: For helping us get the thing started in the first place.

Chris Roberts & Origin: For making the dashed game. And for making the next one.

Beth & ATFW: For all the support over the last year.

Johnny: Duh.

The Visitors: For not downloading too much stuff at once and ruining our server. And for visiting.

Trelane & Byydo: For being staff members but not knowing it.

AGWC: For giving us a place to argue about whether or not the movie is canon.

The Volunteer Chat Zone Moderators: For helping us keep the Chat Zone up and running.

Peter Telep: For keeping the fans in mind when writing his novels and for almost coming to the chat tonight.

Chris McCubbin: For keeping everybody in-the-know about the Handbook.

Dan from Dan's Wing Commander Movie Site: Not just for the limo. But yeah, mainly for the limo.

Jumpstart: For letting us use the Killer Bee's server.

And to Lanced.net: For making us look good. (Just kidding, we love you guys).

And The Rest: Are all here on CIC Isle... and deserve a big round of applause.

(And from this staff member to the rest, for being the best friends a guy could have).

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