Progress Update #2

So the deadline/milestone we've been fighting at work is finally over! It was suppose to be done last week, but some unexpected bugs prevented us from kicking it out the door. This weekend I actually didn't go into work, though, so I was able to finally make some progress. I've got Windows installed on my Mac Mini, and now I'm back to full operation. The port to Mac is coming along, but I simply don't have the time to finish that up while still making progress on the game itself.

Last few days, I've been fixing a few bugs and trying to get the tool-chain finished up. Good tools are a huge deal for me. I want to be sure that it is easy to update all assets. Not only that, I want all important aspects of the game to be updateable realtime while playing the game. Nothing is more frustrating than trying to tweak a game through a tedious chain of either text editing or recompiling. It may take longer to get a good pipeline, but I'd rather spend the time to get it done right instead of spending long hours fixing the mess later.

Anyways, short update, but you can rest assured that progress is being made. :)

So, Joel asked me to post this. I've gotten a fair way along on the Exeter class Destroyer. Key points: the trip-laser battery, the small landing bay behind the bridge for the 18-strong fighter complement, and those two weird cylindrical things forward of the bridge. So, this will be done shortly - I just have some random tightening up to do. After this, I'd like to do NinjaLA's design:
With his permission. Ninja - any thoughts on length, scale, armament, whatever? There's no guarantee that it will end up in the game - but it is a pretty neat design. Call it the Tolmacsy class. :D If Ninja doesn't want me touching his baby, then the next up will probably be a Bonnie Heather type Free Trader.



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how did I miss the update! Thanks Joel, we always love hearing about progress!

Howard, that is beautiful.
NinjaLA! Any word on whether or not I can use your TCS Falcon as a model? I was thinking something along the lines of a light carrier or cruiser.
Um.. YES! I didn't even know you were interested,(or can't remember) but that would be amazing!
. So, this will be done shortly - I just have some random tightening up to do. After this, I'd like to do NinjaLA's design:
With his permission. Ninja - any thoughts on length, scale, armament, whatever? There's no guarantee that it will end up in the game - but it is a pretty neat design. Call it the Tolmacsy class. :D If Ninja doesn't want me touching his baby, then the next up will probably be a Bonnie Heather type Free Trader.

Just the text of my update. :D
So any thoughts on the length? I was thinking around 400-420 meters - and classing it either as a light carrier or a cruiser. Anyhow, your thoughts?

yeah, sure, when I drew it, I intended it to be another bengal variant, but really who cares what type of carrier/cruiser it is as long as it is packing some fighters. I have been diligently practicing with my new tablet PC and am planning on doing more comics shortly.

*as an edit, when I drew it, I saw those squares on the winglets as being launch tubes like in the academy cartoon, and I drew it with an internalized recovery deck (front access and the two access platforms on the sides) but the reasons I did that were for pure ease of drawing in the future.

*edit #2, yeah, I am an idiot.. it was the post right above mine and somehow I didn't actually read it past all the awesome pictures. if you want to name it after me properly though, it'd have to be the Tolmacs class :p I have an americanized name. Tolmacs is 'interpreter / translator' in Hungarian
Okay - I don't know if the whole launch tubes on the winglet thing would work at 400m - the opening in the nose is about the right size for a launch tube, though. I was thinking two, actually - double-decker style. To have a fighter launch from one of the tubes in the winglets this thing would have to be at least twice the size of a Bengal class. Those tubes are pretty small, comparatively.
Is it alright to have 2 gigantic blast doors over the two side entrances? It might look a bit flimsy if those are open to space all the time. Other than that, any specific requests? Any ideas on what the underside should look like? Should I just wing it?
Gorgeous... the Exeter's always been one of my WC favorite capships. No idea what those cylindrical things are... I always imagined they might be launch tubes or capmiss batteries, but as far as I know, there are no official sources suggesting what function they might play.
Wow. I'd love to get a wallpaper of your Confed ships in formation when you've got them all done.

Everything looks and sounds fantastic guys!
Those Exeter pics definitely look wonderful! :)

Also, NinjaLA's design looks to me like a mix-up of the Bengal class and the Indomitable battlecruiser.
honestly, if Howard wants to use it as a design then he can make into anything he wants it to be, hell I can even make it work in the comic, since I haven't specifically referred to it in the comic as A bengal yet.

hey howard, do you want me to draw up a top, bottom and front/back diagram for you? I cannot guarantee it being properly scaled, but it would at least make a useful visual reference for you. also, I intended for those landing bays to have doors, but since the recovery vehicle was approaching I figure it is plausible that they were opened.
Thanks, Guys! And Ninja - that would be perfect. I've got the basic shape down just fine - but the underside is the only area I'm a bit iffy on. Any additional information you want to provide would definitely be appreciated. I'll start posting pictures of what I have so far here in a bit. Still got some modeling to do till it looks presentable.
Okay, here's the first run on the Tolmacs class. Let me know if there are any adjustments you want made, Ninja!
Also, I've not gotten to the superstructure, the underside (much) and the main landing bays.


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looking pretty kick-ass so far. you still planning on keeping the side recovery bays? Also, if you want to keep it to that scale the tube on the front looks like a pretty tight fit for that fighter in front of it.

the only real plan I had for the underside was more of the 'open' looking areas on the winglets and a mini observation tower and bubble on the bottom so the ship itself doesn't obscure the downward views.
Thanks, guys!
Ninja - those front bays are launch tubes - they are pretty much just a little wider than a Hornet, and slightly taller than a Raptor. All the other fighters fit with no problems. I've also added in the main landing bay - sorry for it's previous absence - I just hadn't gotten around to it yet. I still have the main doors to do, but I'm pretty happy with it so far.


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Hey, that and the Exeter look fantastic. The engines sure look big on the new ship. Looks like it should be pretty damn fast.