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F3 - Sirius 13.9C : Supply Line Crunch Two

Combat Summary

Primary Objectives Eliminate alien transports

Secondary Objectives Eliminate alien corvettes

Bonus Objectives Eliminate 75% of enemy fighters

Your Ship "Black" Shrike

Wingmen Spyder, Amazon

Other Friendly Ships: Bravo Wing (Panthers) : Maestro (Wing leader), Zero, Stiletto.

Briefing. A fresh supply line has been forged by the aliens. Eliminate all alien transport vessels along this route. When your mission is complete, you will be refueled and armed for a strike against the final arm of the alien's carrier group.

Alien Forces

NAV 1 - 2 Triton

5 Skate

3 Devil Ray

NAV 2 - 2 Triton

1 Ray

4 Stingray

2 Devil Ray

NAV 3 (Hidden) - 1 Triton

2 Barracuda

3 Stingray

5 Skate



  • Whatever you do on this mission make nailing the turrets on the transports your first priority. You need more than your own torpedos to complete this mission, so make sure that no torpedos get wasted by the turrets.
  • You may be tempted to veer off after a fighter thats bugging you, but try to get your wingmen to help if you can. Break off your turret runs as a last resort and remember to go back after the ASAP.
  • NAV 3 may not show up on your NAV map, but it is there. Be ready for what it throws at you.


Success / Failure go to F4