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E1a: Luyten 04.00 : Defensive Tactics

Combat Summary

Primary Objectives Patrol all NAV points.

Your Ship "Black" Vampire

Wingmen Zero, Maestro

Briefing. The concentration of alien craft in this system remains unknown. Your wing will lead a patrol along this route. Eliminate any alien vessels you contact. When your patrol is completed, return to Cerberus.

Alien Forces

NAV 1 - 4 Moray

3 Manta

8 Skate

NAV 3 - 3 Moray

5 Skate

2 Stingray

NAV 4 - 8 Skate

3 Devil Ray

3 Barracuda



  • Try to conserve your missiles at NAV 1 and 3 for the bigger fire fight at NAV 4.
  • At NAV 4 are three Devil Rays. If you've been conserving your missiles, these are the perfect ships to use them on.
  • Don't worry too much about the Skates. They haven't got missiles and can only do really harm you in large groups.


Success / Failure go to E2