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D2: Cygnus 98.30 - Salvation

Combat Summary

Primary Objectives Patrol all NAV points, search for sender of distress call.

Your Ship "Black" Panther

Wingmen Spyder, Stiletto

Other Friendly Ships: Zero (Condor), Maestro (Shrike), Albergetti (hulk at NAV 2)

Briefing. There is no briefing before this mission.

Alien Forces

NAV 2 - 3 Stingray 3 Moray

NAV 3 - 6 Stingray

NAV 4 - 4 Manta

NAV 5 - 4 Manta

4 Moray



  • Zero gives you important information which may affect future episodes so listen carefully.
  • All that you have to do in this mission is hit all NAV points and stay alive. The Albergetti can't take any more damage.


Success / Failure go to D3