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C2a: Talos 087.01 - Circumvention

Combat Summary

Primary Objectives Escort and defend the Cerberus

Escort and defend civilian transports

Bonus ObjectivesEliminiate 50% of alien fighters

Your Ship "Black" Panther

Wingmen Zero, Maestro

Other Friendly Ships: Bravo Wing : Spyder (Wing leader), Stiletto, Amazon. 3 Excaliburs at NAV 4. [The transports saved in mission C1]

Briefing. Intel believes that the aliens are massing for a strike on the Sol system. Cerberus must reach Cygnus system to divide alien forces and improve Confed's chances of repelling this large-scale attack. To achieve this, Cerberus must first reach Talos station. Escort Cerberus along this NAV route. Once we have arrived at the station you will be cleared to land.

Alien Forces

NAV 1 - 3 Red Manta

5 Manta

7 Moray

NAV 2 - 2 Red Manta

5 Manta

5 Moray

NAV 3 - 1 Red Manta

2 Manta

7 Moray

NAV 4 - 3 Red Manta

2 Manta

5 Moray



  • This mission is easy compared to the one you get if you lose C1. Simply hit all the NAV points. There are no hidden surprises.
  • As usual, the red Mantas are trying to make life difficult/non-existent for the people on Cerberus. Don't let them.
  • At NAV 4, Talos station is under attack. The red Mantas will either go for the Cerberus, or the station, so destroy them as soon as possible. Let your wingmen handle the Morays.


Success / Failure go to C2AA