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B2a: Ella 7031.0A - Phase Focus

Combat Summary

Primary Objectives Escort Cruiser and Destroyers back to Cerberus

Your Ship "Black" Panther

Wingmen Zero, Maestro

Other Friendly Ships: Plunkett, 2 Murphys, 3 Excaliburs and 3 Tiger Sharks at NAV 3

Briefing. The TCS Tereshkova, a Plunkett-class cruiser, and two Murphy-class destroyers will be jumping in from the Vespus system shortly. Patrol the area between the Cerberus and this jump point eliminating all hostile forces encountered. Rendezvous with the Tereshkova at the jump point and escort her back to Cerberus.

Alien Forces

NAV 1 - 4 Moray

3 Manta

NAV 2 - 5 Skate

4 Moray

NAV 3 - 2 Devil Ray

9 Red Manta

4 Stingray



  • This is the mission that introduces you to the Plunkett class cruiser, and the Murphy class destroyer. They are heavily armed, and can do serious damage to fighters, but with nine red Mantas in the area, they are bound to take damage. Just make sure none get destroyed.


Success / Failure and Success in B2 go to B3a. Success / Failure and Failure in B2 go to B3b.