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B1: Ella 1096.A0 - Fresh Start

Combat Summary

Primary Objectives Escort and defend the Cerberus

Bonus ObjectivesEliminate 50% of alien fighters

Your Ship "Black" Panther

Wingmen Zero, Maestro

Other Friendly Ships: Bravo Wing : Spyder (Wing leader), Stiletto, Amazon

Briefing. There is no briefing for this mission

Alien Forces

Cerberus NAV - 9 Moray

NAV 1 - 10 Moray

1 Manta

NAV 2 - 2 Red Manta

6 Moray

NAV 3 - 3 Moray

1 Red Manta

2 Manta

5 Stingray

NAV 4 - 3 Moray

2 Red Manta

2 Manta

1 Devil Ray



  • There is little that can or actually try to hurt Cerberus at the first three NAV points, so use guns at those points and save your missiles for the last two points
  • Be especially careful of asteroids and the Cerberus' BFG in this mission, yet if you are able to do you, try to herd your target in to the BFG stream or in to an asteroid. Don't take unnecessary risks.


Success / Failure go to B1a.