Paper Cruiser Returns Stronger & Better Armed
Adm_Maverick's Tallahassee papercraft cruiser is back again in a whole new way. This second major iteration improves on the first in a number of ways, including how the main hull fits together. It also has interior components that form the bow-mounted capship missile launcher. He's still working on nailing down the scaling, but the shape is looking pretty good to me!
So I ran into a bit of a snag. Basically I lost my source file with all my resized parts and info for resizing parts. Hence why the inner body is exposed like it is. In the short term this is actually a good thing. My ultimate end-goal with this project is to build it in styrene and apply some lighting effects. So this gives me a good means for planning out component placement.I used a new method of mounting the neck to the rear assembly. Nothing terribly complex, but I used parts from the neck to form plates that provides some good contact area and reinforcement for where the parts come together.
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