Your favourite WC1 NPC


Hey everyone,

Wing Commander 1 offered such a leap in interactivity within games that you could converse (abeit horribly) with your fellow wingmen. To which I must ask, who was your favourite NPC?

Myself, I loved Iceman. M. Casey has been my favourite WC character and I was shocked and saddened when I learned that he had died. A few reasonings behind my chosing of him.

1 : Hey, he's from BC Canada, how can't I love my fellow countrymen?
2 : His love for fine ships and his ruthlessness inside of a ship. The man fights calm and fights smart. "Another reason not to play chicken with a Jalthi" was the best piece of advice he could give. Although I love playing chicken with the kats, never was I foolish enough to go head to head against that six gunned freak.
3 : He is an artist, flies with speed and maneovrability and a fine shot. Marksman making his shots count and never lets you down. With Iceman on my wing, I knew the kats didn't have a chance.

I'd have to pick as a close second Paladin. Not so much for his flying ability as for his stature as a father figure. He would bring you under his wing and try to keep you alive. Teaching you the ropes as so you wouldn't screw yourself up. He always felt a priori as great friend.
The thing I never understood about Iceman... The game manual said that he was from Canada. But, whenever he took out a Kilrathi, he always said it was to "avenge" what they did to his family on "Vega 9."

Insofar as my favorite WC 1 NPC, I'd have to go with Hunter. He always seemed more than capable when I flew with him, and I have fond memories of going up against the Kilrathi starbase in Venice with only his help.

Also, I really enjoyed the way he was portrayed in Freedom Flight and Fleet Action. I was kinda disappointed when he died in the later novel.
I always liked Hunter myself. Any guy who takes a joyride in captured Dralthi is okay in my book. I'll tell you who I don't like very much though and that's Knight. He just seems... I don't know, boring? Something about him bothers me.

Maniac was always a funny guy to talk to. Not so funny when you were flying with him though.

I'd say the guy I miss most from WC1 though is Halycon. He was such a great commanding officer.
Iceman was my favorite character as well. A fantastic wingman, you just knew he was the one terran that actually inspired fear in the Kilrathi. :)
Halcyon was my favourite CO. He was so considerate yet fair.

As far as Iceman goes : people move, you know. I moved from my hometown to Hull :p
Halcyon was my favorite, I'd think. Then again, I rarely talked to people because (Secret Missions only) they were really boring and not cinematic enough.
Beckmen said:
Halcyon was my favorite, I'd think. Then again, I rarely talked to people because (Secret Missions only) they were really boring and not cinematic enough.

For the most part, the conversations were to let you know hot the war was going and for combat tips. However SM2 changed all that. It was designed specifically as a lead-in for WC2 and acts esentially as a prologue of that game. The ingame storytelling actually closely aproaches the level of wc2 as well. Characters like Jazz and Doomsday are introduced, along with things like Hobbes' defection.

As far as my favorite wc1 character would have to be... Spirit.... (that or angel. Though one of my favorite wc1 moments is Maniacs reaction to Halcyon saying that you can shoot maniac down if he gets in your way)
AD said:
As far as my favorite wc1 character would have to be... Spirit.... (that or angel. Though one of my favorite wc1 moments is Maniacs reaction to Halcyon saying that you can shoot maniac down if he gets in your way)
Use your guns, don`t waste your missiles.
I liked Iceman's comments the best. Maniac's animated facial expressions were pretty funny, and I thought he added a humorous dimention to the game. I liked flying with Spirit because she never shot at me like some of the others.. she'd make sure she had a clear shot before she fired. Overall, I'd say Iceman since he was humorous and a decent pilot.
The thing I never understood about Iceman... The game manual said that he was from Canada. But, whenever he took out a Kilrathi, he always said it was to "avenge" what they did to his family on "Vega 9."

His family meaning his wife and children, not his mom and dad.
Bandit LOAF said:
His family meaning his wife and children, not his mom and dad.
Not that his parents couldn't have lived on Vega 9 in any case... or does Canada have a law that forbids people from leaving the country after they have children?
Quarto said:
Not that his parents couldn't have lived on Vega 9 in any case... or does Canada have a law that forbids people from leaving the country after they have children?
We ARE communist, after all.
Shipgate said:
Spirit is the most attractive video game character I've ever seen. Even cuter than those medics in Brood Wars.
Methinks you place too much emphasis on that. :p Even though she was a great character! :)
I think Captain Ian St. John also known as Hunter nar Aussie is great in WC1 and his role in FF and FA really let you get to know his character...