Year Four is Complete! (August 10, 2002)


Super Soaker Collector / Administrator
It's been a long and crazy ride for all of us, but we've made it to another major milestone. We'd really like to thank you all for your support. As we mentioned last year around this time, is prereserved for the rest of the decade so we're not going anywhere anytime soon. Though we've seen some good times and bad times, the future of Wing Commander is once again looking up. WCP GBA is on the way and we hope to have some new information in the coming weeks ahead. We're also still very optimistic about the Chris Roberts Wing Commander television show expected next year. The fan projects and fan fiction under development look better than ever and have been paying off with fun and exciting products for a long time now. We're going strong and anxious for our second WC community Dragon*Con convention meeting later this month. Hopefully you've made it to our birthday party on irc, but if not, we've tried to put together a list of various site inprovements to set off the next year.
When we have these events we don't just think of today as another birthday for us. August 10/11 is a birthday for the thousands of you who visit our site on a regular basis. It's another year that you've demonstrated your committment to our community and the Wing Commander universe that has been established for us. I truly believe that the best is yet to come. Happy Birthday!

Original update published on August 10, 2002
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