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Rear Admiral
i think it's pretty impressive that my first thread i created here was closed.

i mean, where I come from, only the vilest most offensive threads get closed.

it makes me proud.

i told my mom and she printed the thread out and put it on her fridge.

"that's my boy, he's no girl!"

I don't remember which thread that you are referring to, but most threads that get closed here are closed for a variety of good reasons. The easiest way to get a thread closed is to begin a flame war. It is up to the Admins and Moderators who for the most part do a good job.
Okay guys, you know talking about closed threads doesn't actually accomplish anything. :) If you want to chat about why something's closed, politely mail

Most of the time threads are not closed because of the actions of one person, but a general migration of a thread into silliness, insults or that type of thing. So remember, destroying threads is a group effort!

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