wow I did it I did it I DID IT


Rear Admiral
finally on attempt 200 and something I beat special operations 1. by the end I was so good at taking out the gorthi sp it was crazy, routinely I had hobbes and my fav character from the books "bear" alive, but then those two cap ships would tear them apart, somehow when I destroyed the first cap ship it damaged the second cap ship where it couldnt move and boom bye bye birdie lol. im sooo happy I wanted to cheat so bad but my pride wouldnt let me. I doubt I will ever play that level again, but while I say that, the other missions in special operations 1 had some of the coolest stuff in it. I think it would have been bad ass if the entire expansion would have been about bear and getting his cap ship back from the pirates lol. I thought it was funny that you capture prince thrakhath for like 2 seconds, that mission was so glitchy I thought I was on an acid trip bc in the cutscene blair talked and when it was suppose to be the prince talking it was still blair, I was like what!! is this star trek 6 and he is impersonating me lol. anyways had to share
Congratulations! I say this quite stuck on this same mission! IF I manage to take out those Gothri, those damned neutron guns tear me apart. Took a little frustration break (also I'm starting Final Fantasy VII, which I'd never played before), but back to trying next week. =oP I have managed to kill one of the two but always die soon after.

Had the same bug with Thrakhath, by the way. If you keep reloading the cutscene, you can get a variety of characters filling in. If you're persistent enough, it eventually is Thrakhath. But I've had it Major Edmond before too lol.

Well done, pilot! I hope to join your elite ranks soon. ;)
Congratulations! I say this quite stuck on this same mission! IF I manage to take out those Gothri, those damned neutron guns tear me apart. Took a little frustration break (also I'm starting Final Fantasy VII, which I'd never played before), but back to trying next week. =oP I have managed to kill one of the two but always die soon after.

Had the same bug with Thrakhath, by the way. If you keep reloading the cutscene, you can get a variety of characters filling in. If you're persistent enough, it eventually is Thrakhath. But I've had it Major Edmond before too lol.

Well done, pilot! I hope to join your elite ranks soon. ;)
thank you I can give you just a couple pts, at the 2nd nav pt aka the main battle dont release hobbes instead line up on the first target reduce speed and blow him out the sky, then pay attention to the radar and who is attacking you next and proceed. the biggest threat at this pt is your own wingmen bc they love to shoot you a lot. try to get at least 2 wingmen to survive bc if you can, they can do a little damage on a cap ship before they eject. on the final bombing runs, there is a glitch where sometimes you can lock on while being 17000 clicks out, use that to your advantage, but even after the lock dont go rushing in, instead go full speed until the first cap ship shoots the neutron cannons, if its way off, the 2nd ships shots will be way off too (just something I have noticed) then go afterburner and hopefully get the kill. if the cap ship is not off on firing run away and try again, this will help to conserve fuel. after both targets were destroyed I had about a quarter of a tank left
Nice - thanks for the tips! I also recently learned to not shoot dead for the cap ships but a little off (as far off as still locking will allow). I'm getting close - I know I'll nail it one of these days (I usually give it a few tries, then do something else for a while and come back to it the next day lol).
The projectiles that look like giant neutron gun shots are actually from anti-matter guns: longer range and greater damage than anything a WC2 fighter can carry. They also penetrate phase shields, which is why you'll see capital ships firing them against each other.

Meanwhile, if you see the Concordia fire a purple shot like a giant particle cannon, that probably represents the phase-transit cannon.

You can see both weapons in action when the Concordia fights a Fralthra during Gwynedd 4. The trick is being close enough to admire the view without getting between the duelling capital ships.
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Ahhh cool info re the anti-matter guns. I actually did get to witness that cap ship battle and it was a lot of fun to watch. ^.^ Yeah...if I can learn how to avoid those shots I'll be golden.
FINALLY did it. And Imma gonna do it one more time before moving on. =)

The strategy that finally worked for me is, after surviving the fighters with relatively okay health, flying around and if possible lining one of the cap ships behind the other. (It can work without doing that but is a tad harder...I actually succeeded without doing this, strangely enough.)

Anyways, I approach the nearest ship slowly, until I can just target/lock (this was either normal range or I inadvertently triggered the bug...not sure which...but I locked at around 11,000)...and then stop, but aim your crosshairs a bit off to the side (without losing lock). When the anti-matter guns fire, afterburn to avoid the neutron blast (your side angle should do it from this distance)...wait til lock finishes being acquired, then afterburn in (you may or may not have to dodge one more), release torp, and get away as fast as you can. Rinse and repeat.

Thanks for the tips! Glad I kept at it!